Articles Tagged With ‘California’

Assisted death bill passes California Senate

The California Senate voted 23-14 Thursday to approve a physician-assisted death bill that would allow some terminally ill patients to obtain medication to end their lives, in a vote that passed largely along the party line. If the measure gets... (Continue reading)

California Senate endorses minimum wage hike

The California Senate voted Monday in favor of a bill that would raise the state’s minimum wage each of the next two years. [Sacramento Bee] Senate Bill 3 would bump the minimum wage to $11 in 2016 and $13 in... (Continue reading)

Could a tsunami swamp California?

A Southern California geologist is warning of the possibility of a tsunami slamming into Los Angeles and wreaking havoc on California’s coastline. [NBC News] Mark Legg, the lead author of a newly published study, says offshore faults are capable of... (Continue reading)

California officer wrestles pregnant woman to the ground

The ACLU has released footage of a California police officer tackling an eight-months pregnant woman and wrestling her to the ground. [LA Times] Charlena Michelle Cooks has just dropped off her daughter at elementary school when the Barstow police officer... (Continue reading)

Are immigrants to blame for California’s drought?

A statewide media campaign pinning blame for California’s drought on immigrants has kicked off a debate on whether state immigration laws have an affect on water shortages. [LA Times] Santa Barbara-based Californians for Population Stabilization has long called for tougher... (Continue reading)

SLO County Jail procedures deemed unconstitutional

By STEW JENKINS California’s 3rd District Court of Appeal recently upheld a ruling barring a county jail from requiring glass partitions between inmates and lawyers, a more than 40 year practice of the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Department. In... (Continue reading)

More than 300 California dentists suspected of Medicaid abuse

A federal audit of dental bills covered by Medicaid found that 329 dentists in California engaged in questionable billing practices. [Contra Costa Times] The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services audit also identified six orthodontists in California with questionable... (Continue reading)

Health Care for illegal immigrants could cost hundreds of millions

The cost of extending state-subsidized healthcare coverage to illegal immigrants is slated to cost California as much as $740 million annually, according to a Senate fiscal analysis released Monday. [LA Times] Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) introduced SB 4 last... (Continue reading)

SLO named a ‘hot 15’ real estate market

Realtors have named the San Luis Obispo area one of the 15 hottest real estate markets in the United States. [Consumer Affairs] The list ranks homes sales markets based on fastest turnover and most listing views. The San Luis... (Continue reading)

Starbucks selling California water amid drought

Amid the worst drought in California history, Starbucks is bottling California sourced spring water to sell in their coffee houses.  [Time] Ethos Water was founded in 2002 in Southern California with a promise to help battle global water issues. For... (Continue reading)