Articles Tagged With ‘Julie Tacker’

Oceano needs to let the county take over fire services

OPINION by JULIE TACKER In response to the July 11, SLO New Times commentary “Negative for Oceano” by former Oceano Community Services District Board member Karen White, she mistakenly claims she is the “immediate past president of the OCSD.” White... (Continue reading)

Change is hard, but a long time coming for Los Osos

OPINION by JULIE TACKER The headlines read, “Building moratorium could be lifted” and then “Coastal Commission approves plan to lift Los Osos building moratorium.” What reporters didn’t say is that there is not a “building moratorium” presently or in the... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles City Council needs to hold advisors accountable

OPINION by JULIE TACKER In light of the recent decision by the Paso Robles City Council to stop work on raising rates on the paid parking system the council must hold their advisors accountable. It’s clear that the city manager... (Continue reading)

Oceano general manager resigned, he should not get severance

OPINION by JULIE TACKER At the raucous Oct. 25, Oceano Community Services District board meeting, then General Manager Will Clemens gave a well-rehearsed performance that included announcing his “early retirement” after 24-years in public service. He blamed the new board... (Continue reading)

Offshore wind projects bring gale-force concerns

OPINION by JULIE TACKER If you’ve lived on the Central Coast for a length of time, you’ll remember the seismic testing project proposed in 2012 for PG&E’s Diablo Canyon license extension. Just as the project was winding its way through... (Continue reading)