Articles Tagged With ‘San Luis Obispo Police Department’

Man attempts to hijack parking enforcement vehicle

Police arrested a San Luis Obispo man who allegedly stole from an 85-year-old man on a city bus, attempted to hijack a parking enforcement vehicle and tried to take a Taser gun from a police officer. Police said Tyler Dean... (Continue reading)

City fires officers convicted of drug smuggling

The two San Luis Obispo police officers who plead guilty to charges they had attempted to bring Mexican prescription drugs into the United States by way of the San Ysidro port of entry were fired following an internal investigation. On... (Continue reading)

Police spend thousands repairing new cruisers

San Luis Obispo police have spent $37,434 in seven months repairing and maintaining 10 high speed police cruisers, causing some to question if the Dodge Chargers are prone to malfunctions, or are the breakdowns the result of poor care and... (Continue reading)

Assault victim’s lawyer fights for 911 tape

The lawyer for a developmentally disabled Atascadero man, who was physically assaulted in March by an off-duty San Luis Obispo police officer, is planning on suing Atascadero police to make the 911 call of the incident public. The... (Continue reading)

San Luis Police officers guilty of drug smuggling

CalCoastNews has learned that two San Luis Obispo police officers have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of bringing misbranded Mexican prescription drugs into the United States at the San Ysidro port of entry south of San Diego. The officers, Dan McDow... (Continue reading)

Pozo drug bust called into question

Police arrested eight people at a concert in Pozo last Sunday on various counts of minor drug dealing, causing some to question the cost of the large undercover operation and its questionable results. At the so-called “420 Festival” of more than... (Continue reading)

Police officers earn $150,000 on leave

For more then six months, San Luis Obispo Police officers Dan McDow and Armando Limon have been on paid administrative leave while U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) continues to investigate suspicions the pair attempted to smuggle prescription drugs into... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo slated to pay $195,000 for alleged police brutality

San Luis Obispo taxpayers are in line to pay $195,000 to a local business owner for alleged excessive force by police officers during a case of mistaken identity. Attorneys for both the city and Jeff Milne, the owner of... (Continue reading)

Barry Bonds’ son busted in SLO

Barry Bonds’ son, who earlier this month was arrested for assaulting his mother, was issued an arrest warrant in San Luis Obispo County for failing to show up for an Aug. 13 court date. [MercuryNews] On July 9, San Luis... (Continue reading)

SLO man beaten and kicked by strangers

Philip Hauser, a 26 year old San Luis Obispo man, was walking along the railroad tracks near the intersection of Phillips and Pepper Street Sunday at 5 a.m. when he encountered a pair of transients from Arizona. Hauser engaged in... (Continue reading)