Daily Briefs

Drug concerns lead to temporary closure of Mission Plaza

By JOSH FRIEDMAN The City of San Luis Obispo placed a 24-hour ban on loitering in Mission Plaza from 4 p.m. Thursday to 4 p.m. Friday in attempt to curb criminal activity. Also prohibiting loitering by “the globe” along the... (Continue reading)

SLO firefighter claims self defense

San Luis Obispo firefighter John Ryan Mason testified Thursday he threw punches in self-defense following an argument in a bathroom at Pappy McGregor’s Bar & Grill on Monterey Street in June. John Ryan Mason, 34, allegedly beat Jory Brigham, 32,... (Continue reading)

Jerry Brown down on Amazon proposal

Gov. Jerry Brown said Thursday that he is leaning against Internet retailer Amazon.com’s proposal to put off enforcing a new law that taxes online purchases in exchange for the company launching several California distribution centers that would create several thousand... (Continue reading)

Citizen grape pickers wanted

By JOHN SALISBURY “A Call to Arms” especially to you who say Americans will do the work instead of undocumented immigrants! You suggest that if farmers paid enough for these ag-labor jobs then the unemployment rate will diminish. Farmers find... (Continue reading)

Alexander named new director of County Arts Council

Charlotte Alexander has been named executive director of ARTS Obispo, the San Luis Obispo County Arts Council, effective Sept. 1. Alexander replaces Marta Peluso who stepped down last June after five years of heading up the nonprofit organization. ARTS Obispo... (Continue reading)

Confronting north county gangs – finally

Following years of publicly understating, even concealing, criminal gang activity and influence in the north county, a depleted Paso Robles police department now will be working with multiple law enforcement agencies to address what officials call “a surge of violence”... (Continue reading)

Cambria bird tests positive for West Nile Virus

A bird found dead in Cambria tested positive for West Nile Virus, the California Department of Public Health announced today. This is the first confirmed case of West Nile Virus in San Luis Obispo County for 2011. West Nile Virus... (Continue reading)

Debbie Arnold announces bid for SLO County supervisor

A field representative for Senator Sam Blakeslee and former Atascadero business owner announced plans Wednesday to run for a seat on the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors. Debbie Arnold made the announcement in an exclusive interview with CalCoastNews.... (Continue reading)

Sunny Acres couple living in car with nowhere to go

Two of the people, a former Los Osos couple, forced to leave Sunny Acres last weekend under court order are now living out of their car and the wife says they have nowhere to go. [KSBY] Velma Hunt and Brex... (Continue reading)

Feds blame PG&E for San Bruno explosion

Federal investigators issued a scathing critique of PG&E this week, citing what one official called “baffling” mistakes that led to the San Bruno gas pipeline explosion last September, killing eight people and destroyed 38 homes. [LA Times] The National Transportation... (Continue reading)