Daily Briefs

California Democrat Party considering financial disclosure rules

In response to a controversy involving one of its leaders, the California Democratic Party is considering a new rule that would require its officials to disclose any compensation they receive in exchange for advocating for a statewide ballot measure or... (Continue reading)

Police dig in Kern County for missing woman’s remains

In similar fashion to San Luis Obispo County’s Kristin Smart case, Long Beach police detectives have reopened a missing person cold case and have begun digging for remains. Investigators searched for human remains in Kern County last week but did... (Continue reading)

Missing woman rescued from SLO creek

San Luis Obispo fire personnel rescued a 35-year-old woman on Sunday who was sitting in a creek with a relatively strong current. The woman had been reported missing about a week prior to her rescue. At about 4 p.m., Fire... (Continue reading)

No new oil drilling on the Central Coast

The Obama Administration announced Friday that there will be no new oil drilling leases on the Central Coast of California for at least five years. [KCBX] The federal government’s new oil and gas leasing program for offshore federal waters through... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo mayoral race even closer

In what is becoming an open race, San Luis Obispo Mayor Jan Marx’ lead over mayoral candidate Heidi Harmon has dropped from 726 votes on election night to 213 votes as of the last count on Tuesday. There are currently... (Continue reading)

Oceano woman shoots neighbor during dispute

A 57-year-old Oceano woman shot her neighbor in the abdomen during an argument on Friday afternoon. Shortly before 1 p.m., Loretta Dean Lopez brandished a gun during an dispute with a male neighbor when she allegedly shot him in the... (Continue reading)

Andrea Seastrand declared California’s taxfighter of the year

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (HJTA) named former congresswoman and San Luis Obisop County resident, Andrea Seastrand, the “2016 Taxfighter of the Year.” Seastrand currently serves as the president of the Central Coast Taxpayers Association (CCTA). She recently led the... (Continue reading)

Prosecution of Templeton robbery case sparks feud

As the San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s Office prosecutes a Templeton home invasion robbery case, disputes are arising over which defendants should receive which plea deals. A teen accused of beating two other teens over the head with a... (Continue reading)

Atascadero police catch man wanted in Nevada

After an hour-long search that included K9s and a CHP helicopter, Atascadero police managed to capture a man who is wanted in Nevada on felony arrest warrants. Donovan Foot, 20, was designated a flight risk in the neighboring state. [KSBY]... (Continue reading)

Mother to combat Paso Robles drug problem after son finds needle

Infuriated by her young son apparently getting pricked by a needled at a city park, a Paso Robles mother is launching a crusade against Paso Robles’ “heroin epidemic.” On Nov. 11, Desirae De Hoyos and a friend brought their sons... (Continue reading)