The very Happiest Place in San Luis Obispo County on a rainy day, or on a sunny day, is the Point San Luis Lighthouse (guarding Avila). We learned this when the Lighthouse Keepers hosted our first Victorian Make Merry at... (Continue reading)
By MIRANDA FORESMAN I like mob movies, all kinds of mob movies. Everything from The Departed (2006) to Scarface (1983), all the way back to The Big Sleep (1946). Killing Them Softly is not like those movies. It doesn’t have... (Continue reading)
By GARY FORESMAN Much confusion exists regarding the efficacy, or lack thereof, of ginkgo for the enhancement of memory. Recently a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial assessed the utility of a standardized ginkgo biloba extract (GBE) in the treatment of... (Continue reading)
By LISA RIZZO A new independent film hoping to spark attention at film festivals around the world has roots in San Luis Obispo. The producer of “Along the Roadside,” which just completed post production after summer shooting, is 2005 Cal... (Continue reading)
ANNOUNCEMENT by HOMEWARD BOUND A fabulous complimentary Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings is being brought to the city of Atascadero and surrounding communities on Thanksgiving Day. Seating will be from 11a.m. to 2 p.m. at the AARP building in... (Continue reading)
By MIRANDA FORESMAN I have a soft spot for 007, and I always have. Like many women, when I was younger, Sean Connery as James Bond was the ideal man, shaken, not stirred. And the accent. That’s not a voice... (Continue reading)
By GARY E. FORESMAM MD In a recent New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) article, many questions about coffee consumption and mortality were answered. As you know from my article, the complex “herbal” preparation known as coffee has a potent... (Continue reading)
By MIRANDA FORESMAN I don’t suggest seeing Cloud Atlas unless you are in a particularly open-minded state and willing to be confused. For three hours. The collaboration between the directors (the Wachowskis of Matrix fame and Tom Tykwer, known for... (Continue reading)
By COLIN JONES OK, I’m just going to say what every classic/prog rock fan already knows: Ian Anderson is an artistic animal, a bombastic bad ass. That’s not easy to pull off when the flute is your main instrument. And... (Continue reading)
By GARY FORESMAN, MD The GMO controversy can only be understood from a systems approach, and a few definitions are needed so we can all understand what we are talking about. Genomics is simply the study of all chromosomal contents... (Continue reading)