Supermarket giant Albertsons is suing grocery chain Haggen, alleging the company failed to pay for more than $36 million for merchandise that was included in a recent sale of 146 stores. [LA Times] Haggen, a Washington-based company, purchased 146 Albertsons,... (Continue reading)
A person described as an “adult woman” was found dead in a Grover Beach home Tuesday morning. Grover Beach police and the San Luis Obispo County coroner’s office are investigating the death, but initial findings indicate no foul play, according... (Continue reading)
By KAREN VELIE Editor’s note: This is the first in a series about developers Ryan Petetit and John Belsher, their development projects, their promises to investors of 20 to 50 percent rates of return, legal troubles, and reported failures to... (Continue reading)
Lightning struck a Ford pickup truck on Highway 101 on Sunday, but the man and dog inside only suffered minor injuries. [KEYT] Paso Robles man James Benson was returning home from delivering birthday presents to his granddaughter in Templeton. He... (Continue reading)
A Northern California water district with water rights dating back to 1914 may face a record $1.5 million fine. [LA Times] Regulators with the State Water Resources Control Board have drafted a proposal to fine the Byron-Bethany Irrigation District. If... (Continue reading)
A vandal or vandals targeted the Templeton Market & Deli earlier this month, marking the third incident of vandalism at the business in the past 16 months. Shortly after 12:35 a.m. on July 12, an alarm went off at Templeton... (Continue reading)
By STEW JENKINS A California Court of Appeal ruled Thursday that Sprint Telephone companies cannot sue for reimbursement of $9 million in taxes on property that had been over assessed in 50 California counties including San Luis Obispo County, because... (Continue reading)
The San Luis Obispo Police Department and SLO County nonprofit Crime Stoppers have issued a cash reward to a tipster who reported a Craigslist post containing a photograph of a man’s genitalia and a message soliciting “young girls” for sexual... (Continue reading)
Cal State University trustees are considering a new pay agreement that would boost Cal Poly President Jeffrey Armstrong’s salary, which already exceeds $350,000. [Press Telegram] On Tuesday, Cal State trustees will decide whether to grant 2 percent raises to campus... (Continue reading)
Several farm workers filed a class action lawsuit Wednesday that says former California Lt. Gov. Abel Maldonado and his family failed to pay overtime wages, reimbursed for expenses and provided meal and rest periods to their employees. [Tribune] San Luis... (Continue reading)