
Season of the Beast, chapter 2

(Editors note: Season of the Beast is chilling tale of a gripping evil that blossoms in an unfortunate autumn for the residents of a small Wisconsin college town. Ray Bradbury said it scared him. You have been warned. Chapter 3... (Continue reading)

Wushu Taichi at Meadow Park, event photos

Wushu Taichi Center’s Saturday at Meadow Park included displays of colorful displays of Taichi and other traditional Chinese martial arts. Find local events as at CalCoastNews’ Event Calendar. If you would like to buy a high-resolution print of any of these... (Continue reading)

California sells record amount of wine in 2012

Wine sales in California reached a record high last year, totaling about $22 billion. [LA Times] California accounted for 58 percent of United States wine sales in 2012, shipping 250.2 million 9-liter cases nationally and internationally, according to the Wine... (Continue reading)

Oceano dunes rider returns $20,000 diamond bracelet

A retired firefighter from Modesto discovered a $20,000 diamond bracelet while riding his quad at the Oceano Dunes and then worked to return the bracelet to its owner. [ModestoBee] In June, Orange County resident Robyn Giranda brought her son to... (Continue reading)

10 suspects now in custody for Santa Maria murder

Santa Maria police arrested a 10th suspect Tuesday in the murder of Anthony Ibarra, whom officers found dead in the back of a U-Haul truck last month. [KCOY] Officers arrested 29-year-old Jason Castillo for murder with a gang enhancement shortly... (Continue reading)

Excelaron appeals $6 billion lawsuit dismissal

By KAREN VELIE An appellate court will determine if San Luis Obispo County officials should be able to have a lawsuit dismissed after their staff provided deceptive information in an apparent attempt to mislead the plaintiff. In what could become... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles forms gang and drug enforcement team

The Paso Robles Police Department has created a gang and drug enforcement team to help reduce gang related crimes. [Tribune] Starting this week, two veteran police officers will focus solely on attempting to take gang members and drug dealers off... (Continue reading)

Katcho spends spring break in Cuba with powerful lobbyist

Central Coast Assemblyman Katcho Achadjian traveled to Cuba during the legislature’s spring break with a California lobbyist who is heavily invested in the country. [CalWatchdog] Achadjian joined Democratic State Senator Cathleen Galgiani on the trip to Cuba led by founder... (Continue reading)

Environmental reform stalled

Sacramento politicians have dabbled with reform of California’s far-reaching environmental law during the past few sessions, but now advocates of change fear their chances of success have significantly diminished. (San Jose Mercury News) The 43-year-old law — the California Environmental... (Continue reading)

Body found in the Ocean near Santa Barbara beach

Santa Barbara County sheriff’s deputies are investigating the death of a young woman whose fully clothed body was found in the water at a popular surfing spot near the University of California, Santa Barbara. At around 8:20 a.m. on Saturday,... (Continue reading)