
Sanitation district regulatory woes escalate

By KAREN VELIE The South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District is facing another fine for the third release of improperly treated sewage into the Pacific Ocean in less than four months, with each release larger than its predecessor. Sanitation... (Continue reading)

Wal-Mart attacks union on planned Black Friday strike

As a looming labor strike on Black Friday threatens sales, Wal-Mart has filed a complaint against the union it claims is organizing the disruption. Wal-Mart accused the United Food and Commercial Workers of trying to force the retail giant into... (Continue reading)

SLO County employment spurred by tourism

The number of people employed in San Luis Obispo County has risen over the past year prompted heavily by the local tourism industry, according to a report released Friday by the California Employment Development Department. County residents who make a... (Continue reading)

Gay marriage more acceptable to blacks

A majority of African Americans in this country now support gay marriage, a shift in attitude from just four years ago, according to the head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Ben Jealous. (San Francisco... (Continue reading)

Atascadero group providing free Thanksgiving dinners

ANNOUNCEMENT by HOMEWARD BOUND A fabulous complimentary Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings is being brought to the city of Atascadero and surrounding communities on Thanksgiving Day. Seating will be from 11a.m. to 2 p.m. at the AARP building in... (Continue reading)

SLO finance boss departing

Charles Bourbeau, director of finance and information technology for the city of San Luis Obispo, has resigned his post. Bourbeau told CalCoastNews Friday he will be leaving Dec. 7 due to health problems. “There are some big [fiscal] issues coming... (Continue reading)

Gibson had affair with legislative aide

San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Bruce Gibson admitted to having an affair with his legislative aide and said he plans to seek a divorce from his wife. [SLO Tribune] Gibson said the affair with Legislative Assistant Cherie Aispuro had lasted... (Continue reading)

Ruling leaves Wal-Mart more vulnerable to CEQA suits

Wal-Mart may now face lawsuits for using the initiative process to sidestep the California Environmental Quality Act due to a state appellate court ruling. [California Watch] The retail giant, which currently faces a CEQA suit for its newly approved Atascadero... (Continue reading)

Movie review: Skyfall

By MIRANDA FORESMAN I have a soft spot for 007, and I always have. Like many women, when I was younger, Sean Connery as James Bond was the ideal man, shaken, not stirred. And the accent. That’s not a voice... (Continue reading)

California Attorney General files lawsuit against local air district

EDITOR’S NOTE: See a brief of the California Attorney General’s lawsuit at the bottom of this story. By KAREN VELIE California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris filed a lawsuit in mid-October against the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control... (Continue reading)