
Teacher sex bill succumbs

A plan to streamline and simplify the process for firing teachers guilty of sex, drugs or violence involving children died in an Assembly committee this week, victim of vigorous opposition from the California Teachers Association. (Sacramento Bee) The measure by... (Continue reading)

Abel Maldonado’s call to repeal Obamacare

STATEMENT BY ABEL MALDONADO We are a nation built on the right to be free and the right to make choices for ourselves, and I believe that government should never force anyone to buy a service. The fundamental truth is... (Continue reading)

New tax-hike plan touted

A Berkeley Democrat’s effort to alter the way California assesses taxes for many state taxpayers faces an uncertain future, needing two-thirds of the Assembly to back it. Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner has introduced legislation to disallow the use of net operating... (Continue reading)

Abel Maldonado dividing point among Republicans

OPINION By STEVE BARTOWSKI The Republican Party has a long history of bloodying each other in heated contests and coming together supporting its nominees. In the days before Proposition 14 created the “top-two” primary system, party voters would determine the... (Continue reading)

Chief’s charges against Paso Robles officer dismissed

Charges levied against a Paso Robles police officer for allegedly accessing DMV records by former chief of police Lisa Solomon-Chitty were dismissed earlier this month. Prosecutors asked San Luis Obispo County Superior Court Judge John Trice to dismiss the four... (Continue reading)

Fourth Arroyo Grande cross burner sentenced to jail

The fourth defendant accused of committing a hate crime against a black teen in Arroyo Grande last year was sentenced to 11 years in prison on Wednesday. San Luis Obispo Superior Court Judge Jacquelyn Duffy sentenced Jeremiah Leo “Smurf” Hernandez,... (Continue reading)

Atascadero Walmart approved

By KAREN VELIE Following more than two hours of public comment, the Atascadero City Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to approve the construction of a Walmart and another shopping center dubbed the Annex near the intersection of El Camino Real... (Continue reading)

Former Cal Poly coach Stevenson dead at 54

Jon Stevenson, a former Cal Poly volleyball coach who left the campus after being accused of sexual harassment and unprofessional conduct, has died. He was 54. [Tribune] Stevenson, who lived in Pismo Beach, was found dead Sunday in Van Nuys.... (Continue reading)

Tribe losing permission to climb Morro Rock after news of reburials of unidentified remains

By KAREN VELIE Two sets of human remains, thought to be Native American, have been buried atop Morro Rock by a Salinian Tribal Council member, Salinian tribal members say. Amid news of the reburials of the unidentified bones, discovered near... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles city government has real problems

OPINION By WALTER HEER Paso Robles’ city government has some real problems. This episode with the Chief of Police Lisa Solomon is just the conformation that there is much more wrong. I realized early on that Jim App operated very... (Continue reading)