
Crazy comes to Cayucos, pretends to have a gun

OPINION By STACEY WARDE We get our share of crazies passing through town. I met one recently at Kelley’s Espresso and Desserts Coffee Shop in Cayucos. Right away he took a dislike to me—and to just about everyone who crossed... (Continue reading)

Do not consolidate SLO County financial offices

Letter from KAREN ADAMS to the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors As the Merced County Treasurer-Tax Collector, I request that you do not approve the consolidation of Treasurer-Tax Collector with Auditor-Controller. I testified at the California Senate Local... (Continue reading)

Letter to the editor: State ranking system flawed

By ALEX HARRISON MD I am a proponent of public reporting and transparency in medicine but sometimes statistics and rankings can be misleading. This is the case with Dr Freyaldenhoven and his ranking as one of the bottom five cardiac... (Continue reading)

Oceano’s non-existent general fund

By JULIE TACKER In the wake of the termination of General Manager, Tom Geaslen, the Oceano Community Services District is fielding questions from ratepayers and activists for spending district funds to advance a Cinco de Mayo celebration and a farmers’... (Continue reading)

First Amendment case threatens public employee unions

OPINION By PETER SCHEER Public employee unions face a new, and mortal, threat. It’s not the unfunded liability of union pension plans or municipal governments’ resort to bankruptcy to void union contracts. It’s not state initiatives to restrict collective bargaining... (Continue reading)

Morro Bay Friends of the Library gives thanks

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Morro Bay Friends of the Library, I would like to thank the 400 plus attendees and volunteers who made our April 14 open house such a smashing success. We were pleased... (Continue reading)

Lois Capps questions cuts to Social Security

OPINION By CONGRESSWOMEN LOIS CAPPS “Today President Obama presented a budget that represents his continued efforts to invest in our economy, strengthen the middle class, and reduce the deficit in a responsible and balanced way through a combination of spending... (Continue reading)

Love letter to the NRA

OPINION By PETE EVANS Recently the United Nations, those black booted thugs the neo cons hate, passed an arms control treaty (opposed by the National Rifle Association and its selfish allies) in an attempt to manage the obscene weapons traffic... (Continue reading)

Thanks from Hopes Village of San Luis Obispo

OPINION By BECKY JORGESON While we move forward in developing Hope’s Village of SLO, a sustainable community for local un-housed adults, we’d like to extend our thanks to those who are helping us realize our dream. RV’s for Veterans project... (Continue reading)

Coincidence? You be the judge

OPINION By LIN HILL Oceano Community Services District General Manager Thomas Geaslen appeared on the March 6 episode of Charter California Edition. Hosted by attorney Brad Pomerance, this show broadcasts locally on cable channel 41 and statewide on the California... (Continue reading)