
Afghanistan 2010

BY DAWN ORTIZ-LEGG It has been a month since our new President made his expected announcement of troop increases for Afghanistan, yet it seems our country (and world) is farther from security and stability than when you-know-who was in office!... (Continue reading)

The climate change hoax

By MATT KOKKONEN Global warming is probably one of the most contentious issues currently. Al Gore’s film, “An Inconvenient Truth,” documents his belief that humans are the cause of this warming and of an impending catastrophe on the planet. Therefore,... (Continue reading)

Saving for a rainy day

BY JEFF BLISS We have become 99 percent money mad. The method of living at home modestly and within our income, laying a little by systematically for the proverbial rainy day which is due to come, can almost be listed... (Continue reading)

When the Tribune gets it wrong

By JOHN SALISBURY “Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated,” as penned by Mark Twain, seems an appropriate reply to the Tribune’s unfortunate and erroneous “Big Buzz” article from December 3. Our business has suffered greatly since The Tribune... (Continue reading)

What to do about Diablo Canyon?

BY JANE SWANSON The San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace (MFP) opposes PG&E’s application for 20 year operating license extensions for Diablo Canyon units 1 and 2, filed with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on November 23, 2009. The current... (Continue reading)

The Legacy of Warren Baker

BY JEFF BLISS San Luis Obispo is really two “towns” when you look at it (three if you include the nearby Men’s Colony prison): the almost 43,000-strong city that is SLO and its neighbor, Cal Poly – a bustling campus... (Continue reading)

The politics of pollution

BY JOEY RACANO The ride to San Diego is always worth it, and last October was no exception. The golden hills of San Luis Obispo gave way to the windy passes of Gaviota. They, in turn, lead to the perpetual... (Continue reading)

Thankful for Planned Parenthood

BY BILL DENNEEN Santa Maria, until just recently, had the highest teenage pregnancy rate of any city in the entire industrialized world. I called it a “pregnancy-epidemic”.  One of the reasons is all  local hospitals are Catholic-controlled thus not providing... (Continue reading)

What price glory?

BY ALEXI JENKINS In the Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln argued that the family members of those who died fighting for the Union should “highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain” and that they should “be dedicated... (Continue reading)

Our Story with Robert Howard Bruce: The Ether Rapist

BY ROBERT SACHS Last week, a serial rapist, Robert Howard Bruce, was arrested in Pueblo, Colorado. What had appeared at first to be a case of a local Peeping Tom going a step too far by trying to bomb a... (Continue reading)