OPINION by JOANIE BROWN There is no fracking in San Luis Obispo County, and even Measure G supporters admit that the county’s geology doesn’t support fracking. What Measure G will do is shut down existing oil and gas production in... (Continue reading)
OPINION by RON ARNOLDSEN So Hash House Harrier Caren Ray is ladder climbing in her run for mayor of Arroyo Grande. Her stepping stone approach to unseat Lynn Compton as Fourth District San Luis Obispo County Supervisor does not go... (Continue reading)
OPINION by JASON ANDERSON As a small business owner, I have experienced firsthand how difficult it is to run a business on the Central Coast. But the cost of running a business here is only part of the problem. The... (Continue reading)
OPINION by SHARLOTTE WILSON It’s a silly season again, campaign rhetoric about who’s supporting whom — when the signs say it all. A quick drive around Arroyo Grande and you’ll see Caren Ray signs on developer owned vacant properties. On... (Continue reading)
OPINION by T. KEITH GURNEE Our current San Luis Obispo mayor would have us believe that crime has gone down between 2017-2018, but it belies a disturbing truth. Our Police Department’s own published crime statistics for the first three-quarters of... (Continue reading)
OPINION by GREG GREWAL All citizens pay attention. The jury’s decision on Sept. 24 was a devastating blow to the governmental agencies who are claiming a “win.” Here is a bit of history for context, important details and a call... (Continue reading)
OPINION by DAN DOW There are countless reasons why people who are sexually assaulted or abused do not report what happened. Lack of a “timely filed” report does not mean the abuse did not happen and those who do bravely... (Continue reading)
OPINION by T. KEITH GURNEE As a candidate for mayor of San Luis Obispo, I want to bring your readers awareness of what I’ll be doing to “stay above the fray” in conducting a positive campaign for elected office: I’ll... (Continue reading)
OPINION by MAYOR JIM HILL The Sept. 16 Tribune editorial referred to an accusation that was lodged against me on the evening after the San Luis Obispo County District Attorney filed multiple criminal conflict of interest charges against John Wallace,... (Continue reading)
OPINION by JULIE TACKER At the recent City of Arroyo Grande candidate’s forum, mayoral candidate Caren Ray said she believes Mayor Jim Hill is “no longer effective” at the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District. Having attended sanitation district... (Continue reading)