The discovery of a San Luis Obispo County accounting error has led staff to revise a projected budget surplus of $3 million to $5 million into a $4.8 million shortfall. An error Supervisor Adam Hill is blaming on his political... (Continue reading)
San Luis Obispo County supervisors continued sparing over marijuana regulations on Friday. After a full day of contentious debate and allegations of conflicts of interest, the supervisors voted to limit the number of pot grows and reaffirmed plans to ban... (Continue reading)
Civil discourse dissolved into angry attacks as San Luis Obispo County Supervisors argued over marijuana regulations on Tuesday, a discussion set to continue Friday morning. [Cal Coast Times] For almost a year, the board has attempted to direct staff to... (Continue reading)
The Grover Beach City Council voted Monday to award four marijuana dispensary licenses to a group of people who include felons, a man on the sex offender registry list and people affiliated with the League of California Cities. [Cal Coast... (Continue reading)
Three members of the Arroyo Grande City Council demanded Mayor Jim Hill take one-on-one ethics training classes, two of whom are out of compliance with their legal obligation to take ethics classes every two years. [Cal Coast Times] The California... (Continue reading)
A black South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District plant operator won a $150,000 settlement after complaining that district officials were discriminating and retaliating against him. The district announced Friday that it had reached a settlement agreement with plant superintendent... (Continue reading)
More than a month before two men died and a third man seriously injured himself while in county custody, a San Luis Obispo County official said the county had corrected inadequacies regarding the treatment of mentally ill inmates. Following a... (Continue reading)
Over the past 15 years, the city of San Luis Obispo’s unfunded pension liabilities have gone from $0 to nearly $150 million and rising. And with SLO’s annual payment to the California Public Employee Retirement System (CalPERS) set to more... (Continue reading)
As the SLO County Board of Supervisors takes up the Planning Commission’s recommendations to approve a county’s marijuana ordinance, questions are being raised about claims of backroom deals and influence peddling for marijuana operations that will be worth millions of... (Continue reading)
For several months before a 60-year-old man died in the San Luis Obispo County Jail, a doctor at the jail prescribed the inmate high doses of a medication the FDA warned that taken regularly could lead to heart attacks in... (Continue reading)