Uncovered SLO

SLO hires controversial financial planner

San Luis Obispo has hired a former Carmel city administrator who left under allegations of misconduct as its interim director of information technology. San Luis Obispo is paying Jason Stilwell $11,888 per month for leading the 2015-17 financial plan development,... (Continue reading)

Gibson, Hill get verbal lashings

San Luis Obispo County residents teed off on supervisors Bruce Gibson and Adam Hill Tuesday morning, possibly swaying the board majority to rethink its decision to place Hill in a leadership role. Public speakers took aim at Gibson for manipulating... (Continue reading)

Did Gibson purposely doctor the agenda?

BY KAREN VELIE San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Bruce Gibson’s last act as chairman of the board of supervisors was to shut down public comment and board discussion over Supervisor Adam Hill’s appointment to vice chair in violation of the... (Continue reading)

Fourth SLO County Jail inmate dies

By KAREN VELIE A 63-year-old Morro Bay man died shortly after collapsing at the San Luis Obispo County Jail early Sunday morning. He is the fourth man to die while incarcerated in the county jail in less than 12 months.... (Continue reading)

CMC warden accused of doctoring an inmate’s file

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story incorrectly said that Warden Elvin Valenzuela and Captain Jennifer Core were suspended while Lt. Ray Baez and Officer Oscar Herijld was fired for their participation in issues regarding an investigation into a document... (Continue reading)

Sanitation district attorney under fire

By KAREN VELIE After San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District staff failed to follow board direction and agendize the settlement of a $1.1 million fine with the state, the board voted Wednesday to seek a review of district legal counsel... (Continue reading)

Did lack of oversight lead to jail deaths?

By KAREN VELIE A San Luis Obispo County Jail inmate, who died from a heroin overdose, had not been seen by jail personnel for more than 10 hours when deputies became aware of his death, according to the coroner’s report.... (Continue reading)

Mallory Dies family awarded $2.5 million settlement

By JOSH FRIEDMAN The federal government has agreed to pay $2.5 million to the family of a Santa Barbara woman killed in a DUI collision caused by a former aide for Congresswoman Lois Capps. [ Morua, 32, left a Dec.... (Continue reading)

CalCoastNews’ top stories of 2014

By JOSH FRIEDMAN A late night rendezvous in the Arroyo Grande City Hall led to neighbors battling neighbor’s over the makeup of the Arroyo Grande City Council. Exposure of the coverup commenced the longest-running most contentious story of 2014. Yet... (Continue reading)

PG&E destroys 20 palm trees at The Graduate

By KAREN VELIE After a large eucalyptus tree crashed into a power line, PG&E destroyed 20 older palms trees located at The Graduate Restaurant and Nightclub in San Luis Obispo, even though the removal appears to violate city and state... (Continue reading)