Officials at the San Luis Obispo South County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) allegedly under-reported the amount of raw sewage recently spilled during heavy December rainstorms in an effort to protect an agency already being accused of firing whistleblowers. County public health officials... (Continue reading)
If you’re a regular reader of CalCoastNews, then you probably know that Karen Velie is in the process of being sued. If you don’t know, then check this out. As I write this, a process server is on a countywide... (Continue reading)
The political and financial powerbrokers of San Luis Obispo County might never have heard of Kelly Gearhart if he hadn’t decided to take advantage of family members, including his own father, to power his way to the top ranks of... (Continue reading)
A former Cal Poly dean of the College of Engineering has filed a lengthy lawsuit naming the California State University Board of Trustees, Cal Poly, journalist Karen Velie, and others, citing a dozen allegations including racial and religious discrimination, defamation... (Continue reading)
Amidst assurances that then President George W. Bush was poised to sign off on the first step towards the development of an Indian owned casino in Paso Robles, the Salinan Indian Tribal Council entered into an agreement with four venture... (Continue reading)
As he built his empire, Kelly Gearhart’s relationships with public officials made it possible for him to skirt building requirements, thereby saving him hundreds of thousands in development costs. These exceptions risked public safety, cost the county revenue and negatively impacted... (Continue reading)
A San Luis Obispo Public Works inspector is under investigation for misappropriating public property for his own profit. Sources claim Ron Faria, president of the San Luis Obispo City’s Employee Association, asked his supervisor if a mower that had been previously... (Continue reading)
Amid a federal investigation into racketeering, money laundering and mail fraud, developer Kelly Gearhart’s stepmother claims her notorious stepson’s illicit activities also included forgery, bribing public officials and arson. The latter exploit was one that helped fund Gearhart’s transition from being... (Continue reading)
In an attempt to bolster its budget, California Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo has taken the controversial step of increasing recruitment efforts for more out-of-state students while enrolling fewer in-state applicants. By doing so, Cal Poly is chasing the extra dollars... (Continue reading)
A federal judge has ruled that Atascadero developer Kelly Gearhart’s bankruptcy was applied for fraudulently and as of October 7 his creditors may legally go after his future earnings, according to a November 8 court order. “They can sue him for... (Continue reading)