Uncovered SLO

Seclusion and restraint practice poses risks, prompts questions

A week after Cliff Detty’s death at Santa Barbara County’s Psychiatric Health Facility, a short obituary popped up online. Without going into detail, the article described a 46-year-old man who had died at a Santa Barbara hospital the night of... (Continue reading)

Seclusion, restraints and screams marked man’s final hours at psychiatric unit

After hours of screaming, Cliff Detty wasn’t breathing. His chest lay still beneath the restraint that held it down. His limbs, also strapped down, stopped thrashing. Under the clinical lights of the room in which he was placed for observation,... (Continue reading)

While son struggled with mental illness, father fought his own battle

Just before 4 a.m., Rich Detty heard a knock. The Santa Maria man opened his front door and was surprised to see a Santa Barbara County sheriff’s deputy standing there. Detty assumed the officer was trying to find his son,... (Continue reading)

Allegations of misdeeds dog the sewage plant

Accusations that the administrator of a sanitation district in San Luis Obispo County’s South Bay has been funneling thousands of dollars to a private engineering company he owns while concealing environmental violations has drawn the attention of local, state and... (Continue reading)

Sanitation district lays off alleged whistleblower

A San Luis Obispo South County Sanitation lab employee's complaints to the water board resulted in the plant receiving a notice of violation that included allegations that the plant discharged dirty water into the Pacific Ocean. On Sept. 14, the district... (Continue reading)

Santa Lucia Bancorp facing regulatory action

Santa Lucia Bancorp announced it expects federal regulators to file an enforcement order against the bank because of issues discovered during a recent examination by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (FRB). “In light of the current challenging operating environment,... (Continue reading)

Sheriff refuses to hedge on Pedobear

The San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Department, faced with online criticism from as far away as England, is refusing to back down on their concern over the Pedobear.[KSBY] Sheriff’s spokesperson Rob Bryn acknowledged Monday that Pedobear, an Internet icon used... (Continue reading)

New Cal Poly president expected soon

California State University Chancellor Charles B. Reed plans to announce a new Cal Poly president by Dec. 13, said interim President Robert Glidden at a Retired Faculty Association luncheon on Friday. A member of the association invited a CalCoastNews to attend... (Continue reading)

Atascadero and Shandon shorten school year

At the same time educational experts are touting the benefits of more time in the classroom, including higher test scores and improved performance, some San Luis Obispo County school districts are lowering their instructional days to help deal with budget... (Continue reading)

Did New Times editor get shredded?

New Times is well known for shredding people left and right, but once again, most of the action seems to be taking place inside the Marsh Street news bunker. The San Luis Obispo alternative weekly newspaper has a new managing... (Continue reading)