Articles Tagged With ‘California’

Medical pot OK, state poll shows

Californians continue to lend strong support to the use of medical marijuana by patients with severe or life-threatening disease, but do not now endorse legalization of the plant, a new poll suggests. (Los Angeles Times) Results of a USC Dornside/Los... (Continue reading)

Court says cities can ban pot stores

A federal appeals court known for its liberal leanings has affirmed a city’s ability to ban medical marijuana dispensaries without violating disability mandates. [San Francisco Chronicle] The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco issued its ruling Monday,... (Continue reading)

Designated drivers may be robots

Vehicles without drivers may soon be zipping around California streets and highways following unanimous approval Monday by the state Senate of authorizing legislation. If the Assembly endorses S.B 1298 by Sen. Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima), the governor will have the opportunity... (Continue reading)

Bills focus on lowering prison recidivism

Prompted by stories of former prisoners unable to get jobs and assimilate into society because of the stigma of a felony conviction, California lawmakers are considering three bills that would make it easier for ex-convicts to get jobs. [MyDesert] One... (Continue reading)

Courts choking on cash deficit

Deep budget cuts to state courts proposed by Gov. Jerry Brown have judges predicting a “rationing” of justice. [San Francisco Chronicle] Brown wants to shave $544 million from the court system budget as part of the governor’s plan to close... (Continue reading)

Students lacking science skills

Science is not one of California students’ better subjects, according to results of the “Nation’s Report Card” issued last week. (Orange County Register] Students from the Golden State ranked 48th among states in the National Assessment of Educational Progress, with... (Continue reading)

Democrats striving for legislative supermajority

Not since the 70s have Democrats held a supermajority in a chamber of the state legislature. But that could change as the result of the upcoming primary and November election. [SanFranciscoChronicle] The Democratic Party needs only two seats in both... (Continue reading)

Cost of Sacramento Delta water woes

OPINION By JOHN SALISBURY Here I go again! I was thinking of giving the Sacramento Delta water woes a rest but a fairly recent move, discussed in an editorial in the San Fransisco Chronicle in December, by our old friend... (Continue reading)

Federal officials targeting marijuana storefronts and grows in Santa Barbara County

In the latest series of actions against the commercial marijuana industry in California, federal authorities this week filed three seizure lawsuits against properties housing marijuana operations in Santa Barbara County, executed search warrants at four locations, and have sent warning... (Continue reading)

Teacher-student sex bill sidelined

Democrats in the Assembly Public Safety Committee killed a proposal Tuesday that would have made sexual relationships and communications between teachers and students a felony — even when the participants are adults. [Sacramento Bee] Assemblywoman Kristin Olsen (R-Modesto) introduced her... (Continue reading)