Articles Tagged With ‘San Luis Obispo County’

Rural fire fees due soon

In little more than a week, thousands of San Luis Obispo County rural residents will be nailed by a $150 “fire prevention fee” levied by the state of California and criticized by opponents as unnecessary and illegal. [SFChronicle] Gov. Jerry... (Continue reading)

Pot shop approval budding?

San Luis Obispo County planning officials Thursday approved an application to open a medical marijuana collective in Oceano, but more authoritative opposition may be firing up. The 4-1 vote marked the second time the Planning Commission has approved such a... (Continue reading)

County orders Occupy SLO to leave courthouse grounds

County officials ordered Occupy SLO protesters to stop spending the night at the San Luis Obispo County Courthouse property, where they've been encamped for the past two weeks. Officials posted letters signed by SLO County Administrator Jim Grant at the encampment... (Continue reading)

California funding of public education hits all-time low

Government support of public education in the Golden State has dropped to a historic low, compared to the rest of the country, according to a new report by the California Budget Project. [California Watch] California ranks 46th in the U.S.... (Continue reading)

School lunches open Pandora’s Box

Clarification: The state’s report on Cayucos Elementary’s percentage of students on the free or reduced lunch program appears to be incorrect as the report misstates the number of students in the school and the 100 percent is based on that... (Continue reading)

First Solar agrees to cease operations after 35 years

Under an agreement with a group of litigants battling against a Carrizo Plain proposed solar plant, Topaz Solar farm will close down after 35 years of operation, First Solar and two local activist groups announced. [Tribune] The 550-megawatt proposed First... (Continue reading)

How much money do you need to survive?

How much income does one need to earn in San Luis Obispo County to be self-sufficient? A lot more than just three years ago, apparently. A gross salary of about $2,220 a month buys a single person living in this... (Continue reading)

No such thing as a free lunch?

Children of a San Luis Obispo County school district superintendent were signed up for a federal free lunch program, causing some to wonder if school officials increase federal funding by routinely inflating estimates of poverty-level student numbers on program applications. Chris... (Continue reading)

Woman brutalized on video at SLO County Mental Health

If Valerie Lane had been a stray dog she would gotten better protection from San Luis Obispo County. As it is, she is still suffering from a brutal attack that occurred more than two years ago at a San Luis... (Continue reading)

Attorney General asked to weigh in on judges’ $235,000 benefits

California’s Attorney General is deciding whether the Commission on Judicial Performance can discipline San Luis Obispo County judges for giving themselves perks that total more than $235,000 a year, according to documents and sources familiar with the issue. The commission says... (Continue reading)