Articles Tagged With ‘San Luis Obispo County’

Patterson calls for suspension of Smart Meters

County supervisor Jim Patterson wants PG&E to temporarily suspend installation of wireless Smart Meters in San Luis Obispo County until specific issues are addressed. [Tribune] Patterson, 5th District supervisor, will ask fellow board members next week to send a letter... (Continue reading)

Local Red Cross cuts five positions

In another sign of the economic tsunami affecting the local nonprofit community, the San Luis Obispo County chapter of the American Red Cross slashed five positions on Wednesday, leaving only two full time and one half time positions. Sources told... (Continue reading)

Adam Hill wants protection–from the public

County supervisor and the current chair of the Board of Supervisors Adam Hill is seeking police protection during public comment period at each Tuesday meeting. [New Times] Hill has asked Sheriff Ian Parkinson to station a deputy in the chambers... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo supervisors in favor of a new women’s jail

The San Luis Obispo County Supervisors voted unanimously on Tuesday to move forward on plans to construct a new women’s jail. The current jail is overcrowded with at times more than 70 inmates packed into a space built for 43... (Continue reading)

Congress considering extending jobless benefits

The long-termed unemployed would receive an additional 14 weeks of benefits under a bill introduced in Congress this week. [CaliforniaWatch] In California, there are more than 330,000 people who have exhausted the maximum 99 weeks of unemployment insurance, recently dubbed... (Continue reading)

Group wages battle against Glenn Beck

A group of San Luis Obispo County residents, prompted by last month’s shootings in Tucson, Ariz. that left six dead, has mounted a campaign to pressure local radio stations to limit what they call “hate talk.” Since January, outspoken critics of... (Continue reading)

Governor Brown calls for new nominees to the Coastal Commission

Governor Jerry Brown has called for nominees from this area to the California Coastal Commission in the wake of reports that the appointment of Mary Ann Reiss, a Republican protege of Assembly member K.H. "Katcho" Achadjian, was tainted by complaints... (Continue reading)

Police harassment and intimidation in SLO County

OPINION By STACEY WARDE Yesterday, I received some friendly advice that it’s better to “lay low” than put myself on the radar of local law enforcement. My friend had heard me complain on the radio last week that the recent... (Continue reading)

The SLO Experiment

We present The SLO Experiment. San Luis Obispo County locations shot in tilt shift by Robert Weber . We suggest setting the video to HD, letting it load and watching it in full screen (music warning!). Enjoy. [youtube S4swoERUXpU 630... (Continue reading)

In Atascadero, how much pay is enough?

Like controversial developer Kelly Gearhart, who evidently manipulated the rules to get his projects formally approved, Atascadero City Manager Wade McKinney apparently did the same thing to inflate his benefit package to be the highest for a city official in... (Continue reading)