I hope you didn’t miss out on the party of the year that happened last Friday night at the Avila Beach Golf Resort. The San Luis Obispo Children’s Museum’s yearly fundraiser was hopping with great music, a real six foot... (Continue reading)
Volunteers and charity directors came together at the launching of the Good Neighbor Program at the Vets Hall in San Luis Obipso on Oct. 6. The program matches volunteers with seniors and adults with disabilities who need critical support to... (Continue reading)
After four years of anonymity, Thomas and James Copeland have been identified as the principals of the LLC that committed 16 campaign violations in their fight against Ernie Dalidio’s proposed San Luis Obispo County development. California campaign rules require the transparency... (Continue reading)
Everyone thought that Disneyland was the happiest place on earth. Guess again. According to a new book–and we’re not making this up, we swear–it’s San Luis Obispo, “where joy seems to be in the tap water.” [Parade] Yep. Parade, that... (Continue reading)
Director Robin Chilton’s documentary gives a behind the scenes look at last summer’s Haute Couture Fashion Week and how a group of unusual people worked together to change how fashion is viewed on the Central Coast. If you would like... (Continue reading)
The California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) plans to publish the names of the controversial San Luis Obispo LLC members who allegedly committed 16 campaign violations in their fight against Ernie Dalidio’s proposed development on the FPPC website. FPPC counsel Sukhi... (Continue reading)
The California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has determined that the LLC that funded the No on Measure J campaign violated rules in their fight to stop Ernie Dalidio’s proposed San Luis Obispo retail development. On Oct. 14, at a... (Continue reading)
The Central Coast Book and Author Festival included fascinating author reading and writing workshops and drew book lovers from throughout the county. Proceeds from last Sunday’s Mission Plaza event benefit San Luis Obispo County Libraries. If you would like to... (Continue reading)
A 15-year-old has been arrested for the Saturday night sexual assault of a woman in San Luis Obispo, police said. The unnamed teenager entered the 19-year-old woman’s residence on the 1100 block of Murray Street, held her against her will... (Continue reading)
San Luis Obispo Police are looking for a man in connection with an alleged sexual assault that occurred late Friday night. The suspect entered a 19-year-old woman’s residence in the 1100 block of Murray Street, held her against her will... (Continue reading)