March, 2012

Worker permits for illegals aim of bill

Two California lawmakers, a Republican and Democrat, have introduced a measure to grant work permits to undocumented immigrants who have been living in the state for years. (Sacramento Bee) “We’re tired of waiting for a federal solution,” said the pair,... (Continue reading)

Do you want fries with that?

A former employee of the Arroyo Grande McDonald’s says she was coerced into prostitution, at times having sex with up to 12 men a night,  by the restaurant’s former manager, according to Courthouse News. Shelley Lynn filed a lawsuit against... (Continue reading)

Protecting our water rights

OPINION By JOHN SALISBURY Up north, we long-time farmers have been hearing a great sucking sound south of us that is going to get a lot louder if the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act, authored by San Joaquin Valley... (Continue reading)

SLO County Sheriff duped by counterfeiters

San Luis Obispo County Sheriff department officials suspect someone posting bail slipped two fake $50  bills past  a sheriff employee in March. [SLONewTimes] Chief Deputy Rob Reid told the New Times the bills looked and felt real. One of the... (Continue reading)

Nipomo construction manager’s truck firebombed

The construction manager of a housing project in Nipomo awoke early Wednesday morning to find his truck engulfed in flames, the result of a firebombing. [KSBY] Caught on video, San Luis Obispo County Sheriff deputies are looking for an arsonist... (Continue reading)

Questions about Eagle Ranch remain unanswered

OPINION By RED HEESH The meeting regarding the Eagle Ranch development project will take place Tuesday 6 p.m. at City Hall, council chambers. It is a special joint meeting of the Atascadero City Council and the Atascadero Planning Commission to... (Continue reading)

Supervisor scolded for ignoring the public

As part of her public comment, Julie Tacker scolded San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Adam Hill for utilizing his electronic pad  instead of focusing on public speakers during open public comment. Several attendees have recently complained about Hill’s lack of... (Continue reading)

Arroyo Grande cross burning suspects claim innocence

The  four defendants accused of committing a hate crime against a black teen in Arroyo Grande last year refused the San Luis Obispo District Attorneys office offer of plea agreements. As a result, a trial was set for May 7.... (Continue reading)

Judges in San Luis Obispo oppose money-sucking IT system

San Luis Obispo County’s trial court has become the focus of the battle of  whether to abandon a costly statewide case management system. [CourthouseNewsService] An audit of the project to install a California case management system (CCMS), resulted in criticism... (Continue reading)

“Online rumors” caused chief’s departure?

Two Paso Robles city council members have penned a “viewpoint” in The Tribune shoveling praise on fallen police chief Lisa Solomon, slamming county residents who have commented on her public behavior and sexual conduct, and criticizing news reports for causing... (Continue reading)