Daily Briefs

Climate change impacting California, says EPA report

Climate change is “an immediate and growing threat” affecting California water supplies, farming, forests, wildlife and public health, according to a report issued Thursday by the California Environmental Protection Agency. [Mercury News] Fifty-one scientists combined to author the 258-page report,... (Continue reading)

Lucia Mar receives $1.7 million to implement Common Core

The Lucia mar School District has received approximately $1.7 million in one-time funds to implement new teaching standards called Common Core. [KCOY] The Common Core State Standards Initiative will align California’s math, science, history and language arts K-12 curricula with... (Continue reading)

Field of dreams fades in Santa Maria

An independent baseball scout and agent from Morro Bay now says he won’t be helping bring a professional baseball team to Santa Maria because city officials there have not been cooperative. (Santa Maria Times) Jim Hayes had been part of... (Continue reading)

Former SLO police officer sues city

A former San Luis Obispo police officer who was fired after he pled guilty to misdemeanor charges of bringing misbranded Mexican prescription drugs into the United States, filed suit against the city on July 31. [NewTimes] Former patrol officer Dan... (Continue reading)

Police seek murder attempt suspect

Atascadero police have widened a search for one man and arrested another in the alleged attempted murder of a person who showed up at Twin Cities hospital with multiple stab wounds. According to Sgt. Gregg Meyer, the department’s public information... (Continue reading)

Supervisors direct staff to craft Paso groundwater ordinance

The San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors will consider adopting an emergency ordinance on August 27 that would restrict development and water usage in the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin. On Tuesday, the supervisors voted 4-0 to direct staff to... (Continue reading)

Heritage Lending President’s trial starts in August

Heritage Lending former president Candy Wells’ trial is slated to begin August 27, while her husband has pled no contest. Law enforcement officers arrested Candy Wells and her husband Ronald Wells in March. Candy Wells is accused of fraudulent practices... (Continue reading)

Grover Beach mayor keeps seat on APCD board

The Grover Beach City Council voted Tuesday night to keep Mayor Debbie Peterson on the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District Board despite concerns from council members over her decision to circulate a petition calling for the repeal... (Continue reading)

ASH drops deranged man in Paso Robles

A parolee deemed too dangerous for release because of mental illness was dropped at a bus stop in Paso Robles, the result of a clerical error that led to the death of a Santa Cruz woman. [LATimes] In May 2012,... (Continue reading)

Domestic drone use under scrutiny

California lawmakers are taking a close look at establishment of testing sites for domestically-deployed unmanned aircraft — drones — with the notion of reviving the state’s declining aerospace industry. (Sacramento Bee) The use of such technology for domestic purposes is... (Continue reading)