Daily Briefs

Hundreds of California sea lions starving

Along Central Coast beaches, more than 500 dead or starving sea lions have washed up on the shore this year. Typically, there would be about 10 stranded pups by this time of the year. [KSBY] People and agencies are dropping... (Continue reading)

Dan Carpenter announces bid for SLO County supervisor seat

San Luis Obispo Councilman Dan Carpenter announced Friday his candidacy for the San Luis Obispo County supervisor seat currently held by Adam Hill. Earlier this week, Carpenter filed papers required to start campaigning. Carpenter joins former Grover Beach Mayor Debbie... (Continue reading)

SLO Sex offender rips off bracelet, but caught

A San Luis Obispo sex offender ripped off his ankle bracelet on Wednesday, but did not evade parole agents for long. Avril Leroy King, 40, served a six-year prison sentence for a violent sexual assault he committed in San Luis... (Continue reading)

Don’t make a stink in SLO

The San Luis Obispo City Council majority plans to ban foul odors that creep across property lines. [New Times] Mayor Jan Marx, Councilman John Ashbaugh and Councilwoman Carlyn Christianson voted in favor of the proposed “odor nuisance” ordinance at Tuesday’s... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles murder suspect pleads not guilty

A Paso Robles man said he acted in self-defense when he shot and killed an “intruder” Saturday morning. Thomas Yanaga, 52, plead not guilty to murder and an enhancement for causing great bodily injury with a firearm on Wednesday. His... (Continue reading)

Atascadero mayoral runner-up arrested

Atascadero police arrested a recent mayoral candidate late Tuesday night on DUI and hit-and-run charges. [Tribune] Charles John Scovell II, 36, garnered 40 percent of the vote in last year’s Atascadero mayoral election. On Tuesday night, Scovell allegedly crashed his... (Continue reading)

Adam Hill attempts to stifle public comment

San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Adam Hill accused Coalition of Labor, Agriculture and Business (COLAB) spokesman Mike Brown of bringing “bloviating foolishness” to meetings of the board of supervisors. Hill made the remark while calling for a public hearing on... (Continue reading)

California judges must steer clear of the Boy Scouts

The California Supreme Court has ruled that state court judges may no longer belong to the Boy Scouts of America. [NPR] An existing law bans judges from belonging to groups that discriminate based on sexual orientation. The Supreme Court ruling... (Continue reading)

SLO County to cut down on prosecuting prostitutes

The San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s Office plans to, by in large, stop prosecuting prostitutes. [Tribune] Prosecutors have announced that they no longer view prostitutes as criminals. Rather they are victims of exploitation or forced labor. Instead of prosecuting... (Continue reading)

Chinese immigrant gets posthumous California law license

The California Supreme Court posthumously granted a law license to a Chinese immigrant on Monday. [Mercury News] California denied Hong Yen Chang a license to practice law nearly 125 years ago. Chang graduated Columbia Law School and received a license... (Continue reading)