Debbie Peterson, a Grover Beach councilwoman, easily swept to victory in the race for mayor with a 75 to 24 percent lead over Phyllis Molnar. Peterson is expected to make changes in the South County Sanitation District’s leadership following regulators... (Continue reading)
The Paso Robles City Council race remains too close to call with just late arriving vote-by-mail ballots left uncounted. Former councilman Steve Martin leads by a fairly comfortable margin over incumbents Fred Strong and Nick Gilman and challenger Jim Reed.... (Continue reading)
According to incomplete results, the incumbents will remain on the San Luis Obispo City Council. Mayor Jan Marx won reelection in a landslide victory and councilmen Dan Carpenter and John Ashbaugh each finished well ahead of their challengers. Marx received... (Continue reading)
Democratic Rep. Lois Capps defeated Republican Abel Maldonado in the race to represent the Central Coast in Congress, according to incomplete returns. Following redistricting, the seat became one of a few in California that the Republican Party hoped to wrestle... (Continue reading)
Here we are, live in CalCoastNews Election Central, waiting for the first returns to be posted. Check with us throughout the evening as we report on the results from today’s election. And feel free to add comments as we go... (Continue reading)
Since Abel Maldonado announced his plans to run for congress, his 6,000-acre farm in Santa Maria has had three Cal/OSHA citations for issues regarding employee safety. Since the 1990s, Agro-Jal has accumulated dozens of Cal/OSHA violations and hundreds of thousands... (Continue reading)
Trustees of the California State University system will decide next week if fees will be raised for so-called “professional students” in an attempt to open up enrollment for more people. (San Francisco Chronicle) The strategy is to spread a new... (Continue reading)
The Paso Robles Police Department added two patrol officers to its short-staffed force. Officers Stephen Lampe and Nicolaus Heuer joined the department Monday at a ceremony held in the Emergency Operation Center. Both hold police experience in other California departments.... (Continue reading)
During her public comment at a San Francisco City Council meeting Monday about banning public nudity a woman disrobed and was led out of the meeting.[SFChronicle] For about two hours, speakers argued over whether Castro’s “naked guys” were a few... (Continue reading)
A national conservative group has been identified as the source of a heretofore anonymous last-minute contribution of $11 million infused into two California initiative campaigns. (Sacramento Bee) Compliance from Americans for Job Security of Nevada came only after a rare... (Continue reading)