
Prowling bear killed and identified

The black bear that has been pillaging chicken coops in a San Luis Obispo neighborhood near San Luis Obispo High School for the last week is dead. [Tribune] A federal trapper killed the bear during a late night stake out... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo police report details fireman’s alleged assault

New details about a man’s alleged assault and battery at the hands of a San Luis Obispo firefighter who was angry with those who disapproved of an affair he was having are revealed in a lengthy police report. Even though the... (Continue reading)

California dream isn’t so golden any more

The last decade between 2000 and 2010 proved to be the biggest population slump of any period since the beginning of California’s statehood in 1850, according to the most recent census data. [CNN U.S.] The Golden State, the most populous... (Continue reading)

Feds approve coastal fireworks

Federal regulators on Tuesday gave the green light to July Fourth fireworks shows along the San Luis Obispo, Monterey and Santa Cruz county coasts. Activists have argued that explosions from popular annual pyrotechnics shows along the coast disturb marine life,... (Continue reading)

Gangs clash at the California Men’s Colony

A riot involving 120 inmates and two prison gangs occurred Wednesday morning at the California Men’s Colony West Facility in San Luis Obispo County. The riot, which took place around 10:15 a.m., consisted of fighting between the Surenos and the Paisas.... (Continue reading)

Willie Nelson’s Country Throwdown, event photos

Willie Nelson capped off a country music festival for the ages Saturday at Pozo Saloon. Thought to be the largest single-day concert in San Luis Obispo County history, Willie Nelson’s Country Throwdown featured 16 artists spanning eight hours and three... (Continue reading)

Unusually swift river currents, inexperience lead to Kern River drownings

As summer vacationers and warmer temperatures increase, river enthusiasts are being warned to use extreme caution in and around the Kern River. Two bodies were retrieved and several rescues made last weekend as rescue crews battled raging waters from a... (Continue reading)

Retired educators receive more than $100,000 annually

As public pension reform takes center stage in Sacramento, the number of newly retired school administrators earning more than $100,000 a year jumped 650 percent between 2005 and 2011. [Sacramento Bee] Six-figure payouts to retired educators increased from 700 to... (Continue reading)

Black bear: Shoot to kill

Department of Fish and Game officials have decided that a black bear, the subject of repeated sightings around San Luis Drive, needs to be caught and euthanized. [KSBY] A resident on Andrews Street, who claims the bear has been a... (Continue reading)

CalPERS’ $11 million legal payment scrutinized

An $11 million bill for legal fees associated with an internal review of the California Public Employee’s Retirement System (CalPERS) is drawing criticism. LATIMES CalPERS, the nation’s largest public pension fund which oversees $232 billion, paid a Washington, D.C. law... (Continue reading)