An inmate serving time for distribution of possession of methamphetamine walked away from the minimum security Federal Correctional Complex in Lompoc on Sunday, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. [Cal Coast Times] Shortly before 1 p.m., prison guards discovered... (Continue reading)
In the aftermath of Congressman Salud Carbajal receiving a campaign contribution from the son of billionaire financier George Soros, Carbajal’s reelection campaign and challenger Justin Fareed are clashing over the allegation that Soros was a Nazi collaborator. [Cal Coast Times]... (Continue reading)
A lawsuit was filed Wednesday against San Luis Obispo County, Sheriff Ian Parkinson and the sheriff’s department, alleging civil rights violations of female inmates over the alleged failure to provide tampons to women who are menstruating. [Cal Coast Times] State... (Continue reading)
On Valentine’s Day, readers found out how important voting to tearing down financial barriers against people accessing justice is in San Luis Obispo County this year. When I started practicing law here, in 1978, strong judges with strong personalities and... (Continue reading)
A fire destroyed a commercial building in San Luis Obispo early Thursday morning. [Cal Coast Times] At about 3:30 a.m., a fire broke out in a building on Johnson Avenue and Southwood Drive. Firefighters arrived at the scene within four... (Continue reading)
The San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to do a background check and attempt to negotiate a contract with the board’s undisclosed choice for the job of public works director. [Cal Coast Times] In Nov. 2017, the... (Continue reading)
OPINION by KEITH GURNEE The stunning rise of the local new Progressive movement looks like it may be matched only by its pending rapid decline. Its cause? An emerging public perception of the movement’s hypocrisy, it’s single-minded ideology, and its... (Continue reading)
The California Democratic Party concluded its state convention over the weekend without endorsing longtime U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, nor a single candidate in the top four races on the ticket. According to party rules, a candidate must receive 60 percent... (Continue reading)
OPINION of STEW JENKINS The day after the San Luis Obispo City Council gave Broad and Chorro Street residents the middle finger replacing their parking and auto access with a “bicycle boulevard,” the First District Court of Appeal gave voters... (Continue reading)
Former deputy assessor David Boyer announced last week that he is running against San Luis Obispo County Assessor Tom Bordonaro for the county assessor seat. [Cal Coast Times] Boyer, 43, worked as a deputy assessor for five years before recently... (Continue reading)