OPINION By MIKE BRENNLER While studying my absentee ballot, I was reminded of the joke suggesting that democracy should amount to more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. This is particularly true as... (Continue reading)
OPINION By MARILYNE CLEEVES The Cuesta College Board has consistently approved construction for more campus facilities and buy-out contracts from unsatisfactory administrators. In order to pay the loans for these approvals, the administration is proposing cuts to programs, employee compensation,... (Continue reading)
STATEMENT By THE PASO ROBLES POLICE OFFICER ASSOCIATION The purpose of this media release is to express The Paso Robles Police Officers’ Association’s (PRPOA) disagreement with the action the city has recently taken involving the rehiring of a retired Sergeant... (Continue reading)
OPINION By LESLIE HALLS Proposition 36 would revise the current Three Strikes law and would allow current convicted felons serving 25-life under Three Strikes to petition for a reduced sentence. The Three Strikes law was passed in 1994 and shortly... (Continue reading)
OPINION by JOE GEEVER The city of Morro Bay has two years to build a new sewage treatment plant, and local authorities are very close to making the wrong decision — against the will of local citizens. They want to... (Continue reading)
OPINION By GARY NEMETH When the citizens (employers) of Paso Robles hire five individuals to act in the best interest of the citizens, and the citizens lose faith and trust in their ability, it is time to replace them. When... (Continue reading)
OPINION By JULIE TACKER It’s been awhile since we last talked about the Oceano Community Services District. In August, I explained OCSD General Manager Tom Geaslen had failed to bring the permanent sale of water initiative to an agenda in... (Continue reading)
OPINION By DAVID PECCI Before I look at a candidate’s viewpoints, I look at their backgrounds. I try to look for someone most similar to me and for the person who best represents the area. Erik Howell went to Harvard... (Continue reading)
OPINION By MIKE HAYHURST Thanks to the Founders and defenders of our great nation, we are afforded our free speech rights. With those rights comes responsibility. At the Creston Classic Rodeo on Sept. 15, I irresponsibly told a joke that... (Continue reading)
OPINION By MOTHERS FOR PEACE San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace supports gathering seismic information about the earthquake faults near Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. In the wake of the Fukushima disaster and PG&E’s application to renew the licenses, seismic... (Continue reading)