
The gory details of Diablo’s seismic testing

OPINION By JULIE TACKER Reading the Environmental Impact Report for the seismic testing proposed off our beautiful, so-called ‘protected’ coast, I do so with a box of tissues at my side and the tune of “Twelve Days of Christmas” dancing... (Continue reading)

Wanted: Justice Department memo analyzing strikes against suspected terrorists

In the world of secret information about powerful people, there are two sets of documents in especially high demand right now. First are Mitt Romney’s undisclosed tax returns. You already know about those. The other is a classified legal memorandum,... (Continue reading)

What will Paso Robles voters decide?

OPINION By GARY NEMETH The citizens of Paso Robles deserve a new beginning starting by following what the Tribune wrote about the only way to change the current mayor would be by the community deciding on a write in candidate... (Continue reading)

Huasna Valley and California’s war on oil and gas

OPINION By ALEX ALEXIEV And so the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors has voted unanimously to not allow drilling for oil on a private property in the Huasna Valley. While it was a given that the three environmental... (Continue reading)

OCSD misses election deadline

OPINION By JULIE TACKER In January 2011, five Oceano residents, concerned about the Oceano Community Services District Board’s consideration of selling water to local developers or other cities, crafted an initiative petition.  In less than a week they gathered 577... (Continue reading)

Setting the record strait – DANA responds

OPINION By ALAN and HELEN DAURIO We are the Dana Adobe Nipomo Amigos (DANA) Board Co-Presidents. We are writing in response to the opinion column put forth by the Northern Chumash Tribal Council (NCTC). Our community needs to know the... (Continue reading)

Dana Adobe plans disrespects native culture

OPINION By THE NORTHERN CHUMASH TRIBAL COUNCIL On Tuesday, August 7 the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors will make a decision on a land use ordinance amendment and mitigated negative declaration applied for by the Dana Adobe Nipomo... (Continue reading)

Water conservation; an important part of life in California

By JULIE TACKER In Los Osos, water conservation has now become tangled with the sewer saga and, like the project itself, the proposed $5 million water conservation plan as proposed would result in enormous costs, glaring inequities and generally a... (Continue reading)

Supervisors consider ordinance to jail their opponents

OPINION By STEW JENKINS Besides the obvious lack of wisdom inherent in criminalizing someone performing an emergency landing of their airplane or hot air balloon on county owned vacant land, if enacted the ordinance being considered by the Board of... (Continue reading)

Oceano district doesn’t get it

OPINION By JULIE TACKER If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?  If the Brown Act is not followed and no one is there to observe it, was... (Continue reading)