
More and more people call the streets home

OPINION By NOOZHAWK COLUMNIST KEN WILLIAMS Still again, harsh voices are raised against those who find the streets home. For some, there is an underlying assumption that the poor are, at best, a nuisance, and at worst, a threat. Certain... (Continue reading)

Down the rabbit hole with Golden 1

OPINION By HILARY GRANT It’s not a pretty thought, but here goes, just the same: when I heard that an armed thug had handily made off with $4,000 from The Golden 1 Credit Union in SLO in May, I knew... (Continue reading)

Sanitation district needs an independent investigation

OPINION By SAN LUIS OBISPO SURFRIDER FOUNDATION Following the major sewage spill of December 2010 and news reports of water quality reporting irregularities at the waste water treatment plant of South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD), Surfrider Foundation... (Continue reading)

Abel Maldonado’s call to repeal Obamacare

STATEMENT BY ABEL MALDONADO We are a nation built on the right to be free and the right to make choices for ourselves, and I believe that government should never force anyone to buy a service. The fundamental truth is... (Continue reading)

Abel Maldonado dividing point among Republicans

OPINION By STEVE BARTOWSKI The Republican Party has a long history of bloodying each other in heated contests and coming together supporting its nominees. In the days before Proposition 14 created the “top-two” primary system, party voters would determine the... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles city government has real problems

OPINION By WALTER HEER Paso Robles’ city government has some real problems. This episode with the Chief of Police Lisa Solomon is just the conformation that there is much more wrong. I realized early on that Jim App operated very... (Continue reading)

Stop student loan rate hikes

OPINION By LOIS CAPPS I wanted to give an update on an important issue that will affect many Central Coast residents and families if it’s not resolved soon. Without Congressional action student loan interest rates will double on July 1st.... (Continue reading)

A bond for Cuesta College; not if but when

OPINION By PATRICK MULLEN and GILBERT H. STORK Last month, Cuesta College trustees were asked to consider hiring a consultant to poll whether voters would support a local bond measure on the November ballot. On June 6, the Board of... (Continue reading)

Wal-Mart bait and switch

OPINION By DAVID BROADWATER A day of reckoning is coming in Atascadero on the Wal-Mart/Annex project at the June 26 City Council meeting. Multi-million dollar risks to the city’s businesses and residents are on the table. This will be your last chance... (Continue reading)

Oceano managers pay questioned

OPINION By JULIE TACKER Oceano Community Services District (OCSD) will be “celebrating” the first anniversary of the hiring of its General Manager Tom Geaslen later this month. Geaslen worked for over eight months as “interim general manager” without a written... (Continue reading)