
Historic proposed state policy against use of sea water

By JACK McCURDY A landmark new state policy that for the first time would restrict and phase out use of estuary, delta and ocean water for cooling coastal power plants has drawn the adamant opposition of the Coastal Alliance on... (Continue reading)

If it takes a village–then you better build a hut for the therapist

By RACHEL LYNN SCHERZ Children need therapy.  Teenagers need therapy. There I said it.  For so long, I’ve shied away from such bold and finite statements. But after years of working in elementary, middle, and high schools, being a nanny, ... (Continue reading)

I never thought it would be like this

By STACEY WARDE Worried that I might sink into a hole, squeaking out an inadequate living as a part-time farmhand, Mom suggests that I look into an opening at Fairhaven Memorial Park and Mortuary, not far from where she lives.... (Continue reading)

Looking for transparency in Los Osos

By PIPER REILLYOn Friday, March 26th, the Tribune ran a front page article entitled “Potential Sewer Firm Under Fire,”  in which County Public Works director Paavo Ogren, in charge of the Los Osos Wastewater Project, stated that he was aware... (Continue reading)

My brother decided he wanted to sing

By ALICIA PRISKE CASHMAN I have this brother, Warren. He was the typical bratty younger brother who would beat me at checkers, chess, and poker. I pretty much dominated him until I was ten years old and he could not... (Continue reading)

Tips on living from “Octo-Man”

By BILL DENNEEN Most of you are probably not in this age category right now, but all indications are you will be someday. In 1950, there were only 15 million folks over the age of 80, but for 2050  a... (Continue reading)

Our Farmers Market food fight

BY MAGGIE URIAS The drama that unfolded recently concerning the city of SLO Downtown Association and the SLO County Farmers Market Association (FMA) is not what it appears. As a former market manager within the county, I was perplexed by... (Continue reading)

Our constitutional responsibility

BY NOEL FOERST Unhappy with water development plans drafted by Paso Robles City officials, a group of residents formed to take part in their local government. For this action, they’ve encountered the ire of Tribune columnists and editors, along with KPRL radio talk... (Continue reading)

Jail pink slips should send up a public safety S.O.S

By JOE CORTEZ San Luis Obispo Sheriff Pat Hedges recently had the unfortunate task of notifying 11 valued employees that they may soon be out of a job due to potential budget cuts in the upcoming fiscal year. The loss... (Continue reading)

The Tea Party meets the Republican Party

BY MATT KOKKONEN The modern Tea Party movement hearkens back to the efforts of the Sons of Liberty more than 230 years ago. In 1773, the earlier patriots boarded the vessels of the East India Company and tossed tea overboard... (Continue reading)