OPINION by STEVEN L. REBUCK The word sanctuary has a nice sound. A holy place or natural retreat for animals. Add marine. Marine sanctuary. A safe place for Dory. Add Native Americans. It’s a trifecta: Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary.... (Continue reading)
OPINION by ALLAN COOPER On Tuesday, Feb. 7, the San Luis Obispo City Council denied an appeal of the city’s Architectural Review Committee’s Dec. 5th approval of 22 Chorro Street. Before their vote, the council received 48 letters of support... (Continue reading)
Opinion by Brad Snook, co-chair of Surfrider Foundation San Luis Obispo Supervisor Lynn Compton, a SLO County Supervisor, is wrong to deny SLO County the federal funding of cultural education, marine research, and a new local stakeholder effort that a... (Continue reading)
OPINION by MIKE BROWN Adam Hill is unhappy. He feels he is entitled to certain outside agency board and committee appointments that he had held for the past eight years. He wants to perpetually serve on the Board of the... (Continue reading)
OPINION by ALLAN COOPER Today Cal Poly is providing a platform for fascism by inviting Milo Yiannopoulos onto campus. For those of you who may need a tutorial on the subject of fascism, just remember these four letters: D.I.C.K. Dismantle... (Continue reading)
OPINION by ARROYO GRANDE MAYOR JIM HILL At Tuesday’s Arroyo Grande City Council meeting, Oceano residents and former South County Sanitation District directors Mary Lucey and Matt Guerrero alleged I acted inappropriately on the San District Board. By no coincidence,... (Continue reading)
OPINION by OTIS PAGE Adam Hill revealed his insulting character and obnoxious belligerence in castigating outstanding San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Debbie Arnold and Lynn Compton in his opinion piece last week in the New Times titled “The... (Continue reading)
OPINION by KEITH GURNEE Now that the victors of last November have all been sworn in, some of us are having difficulty accepting the results. Just look at President Donald Trump and San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Adam Hill. Reality... (Continue reading)
OPINION by STEW JENKINS Like so many local men, I participated in the Women’s March in San Luis Obispo on Jan. 21 the day after our new president belted out the most caustic inaugural speech in living memory. The gathering... (Continue reading)
OPINION by Michael F. Brown During the recent debate over selection of the chairman of the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors, District 3 Supervisor Adam Hill’s supporters, including some current and former local elected officials, repeatedly cited values... (Continue reading)