A fire that started in a shed containing a gun safe and ammunition burned a home and a residential care facility for disabled adults on Farroll Avenue in Arroyo Grande on Friday. At 3:33 p.m., the owners of the home... (Continue reading)
A semi-truck hauling two trailers packed with hay landed in an Arroyo Grande drainage ditch Tuesday night after flipping over and falling down a 20-foot embankment. [KSBY] The driver managed to extricate himself, even though the truck was wedged into... (Continue reading)
A former Arroyo Grande resident plead no contest Thursday to nine felony counts of child molestation in a 1999 case involving an 8-year-old victim John Vencent Gaines II, 49, plead to two counts of forcible lewd acts on a child... (Continue reading)
OPINION By ARROYO GRANDE MAYOR JIM HILL After a dramatic five-week write-in campaign last fall, it’s continued to be an interesting and exciting first six months as Mayor of Arroyo Grande. I believe we have contributed to many positive changes... (Continue reading)
San Luis Obispo police accuse an Arroyo Grande man of burglarizing a business Sunday morning and then attempting to break into a nearby home. Steven Michael Williams allegedly broke into San Luis Print and Copy at 265 South Street on... (Continue reading)
OPINION By JULIE TACKER Einstein’s definition of insanity is, “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” I don’t know who is insane; the Oceano Community Services District (OCSD) for using bully tactics to get their... (Continue reading)
The owners of a 500-acre Arroyo Grande ranch are set to donate 450 acres of the property to Cal Poly. [Tribune] On Monday, Stuart and Jan Bartleson will sign over the deed to 450 acres of their family ranch located... (Continue reading)
Santa Maria police arrested three juveniles for committing a string of armed robberies in San Luis Obispo, Arroyo Grande and Santa Maria on Thursday. [KSBY] Early Thursday morning, police said victims of multiple armed robberies provided similar descriptions of the... (Continue reading)
OPINION By OTIS PAGE There is a sense of smoke in the air in Arroyo Grande. The smoke suggests that there may be a fire burning at the Board of the Five Cities Fire Authority (FCFA) that meets on Friday,... (Continue reading)
Arroyo Grande police caught a suspected thief Tuesday morning standing on a neighboring property of a home he allegedly just burglarized. The victim of the burglary woke up to find Arroyo Grande resident Stephen Onaga in his house, according to... (Continue reading)