Atascadero graphic designer Anthony Herrera likes to play a game called “Find the Ewok” with his daughter. So on a recent trip to Sequoia National Park, Herrera told her that Ewoks, made popular through the “Star Wars” movies, lived among... (Continue reading)
Cal/OSHA inspectors are checking out Atascadero State Hospital this week in response to a claim of unsafe working conditions at the hospital by a staff member. [KCOY] The investigation comes on the heels of several patient assaults on ASH staff... (Continue reading)
A mother, father and uncle are now in a San Luis Obispo County Jail after an 18 month old child under their supervision ingested cocaine on Wednesday, Atascadero police said. Parents Daniel Sanchez, 26; Priscilla Tabarez, 20; and the child’s... (Continue reading)
Atascadero’s Charles Paddock Zoo unveiled Ruscan the red panda to the public on Saturday. The panda arrived at the zoo 16 months ago, but money problems have kept him out of the public eye. The two-year-old panda will be living in... (Continue reading)
Environment America ranked San Luis Obispo, Atascadero and Paso Robles as the nation’s smoggiest small metropolitan area–an area with a population of less than 250,000–in a report released Wednesday. [KSBY] Overall, the area was ranked number 17 of the nation’s... (Continue reading)
A former Atascadero lender has agreed to plead guilty to charges of swindling as many as 1,200 investors out of more than $100 million in a fraudulent investment scheme, according to the court docket. James Hurst Miller and federal prosecutors agreed... (Continue reading)
A patient at the Atascadero State Hospital was arrested for the attempted rape of a hospital employee, kidnapping and indecent exposure. At about 11:30 a.m. on September 6, hospital officials said Leroy Parker, 35, assaulted an unnamed employee. Her coworkers... (Continue reading)
A Templeton woman was excited to learn that an Atascadero pawn shop had purchased her stolen jewelry. An emotion dampened when she learned she would have to pay the shop $2,100 before she could retrieve her items. [KSBY] Carol Morgan... (Continue reading)
An Atascadero woman screams, “stop, stop, please send someone,” to the 911 operator. In the next room, caller Sarah Summers’ developmentally disabled stepson grapples with another man who has followed him to his father's home after the stepson passed him on... (Continue reading)
A prime suspect in the August 22 motel stabbing death of a 55-year-old Paso Robles resident was arrested by police Thursday, along with a female companion. A third man thought by officers to be involved also sits in the San... (Continue reading)