January, 2015

Paso Robles man accused of making child porn

Paso Robles police arrested a 51-year-old man after discovering photos and videos of child porn on his computers, some of which they say he created. After receiving a tip, police served a search warrant on the Paso Robles home of... (Continue reading)

Open letter to San Miguel

OPINION By RICHARD HARRISON I, Richard Harrison, am submitting my resignation from the San Miguel Community Services District Board of Directors, effective immediately. I regretfully take this action due to not being able to work with a few Board Members... (Continue reading)

San Miguel official resigns, calls out colleagues

A longtime San Miguel Community Services District director has resigned his seat on the board, stating he can no longer work with elected officials who break the law. Richard Harrison had served the San Miguel CSD board since the district... (Continue reading)

Sanitation district board pursues an audit

By KAREN VELIE After several years of voting against an audit, the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Board voted 3-0 on Wednesday to pursue a financial review of the past 12 years. Approximately 30 people attended Wednesday’s meeting.... (Continue reading)

McDonald’s a no-go in Los Osos

The dozens of Los Osos residents who protested the approval of a McDonald’s restaurant will not have to see one in their town after all. [Sierra2theSea] Last April, the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors voted to let McDonald’s... (Continue reading)

Steve Adams letters released

Former Arroyo Grande City Manager Steve Adams sent a letter to the city last week threatening a lawsuit if the council does not pay him six months severance. The city will meet in closed session on Thursday at 7 p.m.... (Continue reading)

SLO police chief travels on the family plan

By KAREN VELIE and DANIEL BLACKBURN San Luis Obispo Police Chief Steve Gesell attended 13 conferences during 2014. Expense records show that some of the conferences turned into family trips and the city footed the bill. A two-month investigation by... (Continue reading)

Pat Hedges makes a splash

Former San Luis Obispo County sheriff Pat Hedges has burst back onto the scene by crashing into a fire hydrant and knocking out power — not in pursuit of a suspect — rather by accident. San Luis Obispo Police Captain... (Continue reading)

Suspected gangster shoots and misses in Paso Robles

A man with gang ties fired several shots at a Paso Robles resident Tuesday morning but never struck the victim, according to Paso Robles police. [KSBY] Officers responded to the shooting shortly before 6 a.m. in the 800 block of... (Continue reading)

Santa Maria robbers target Taco Bell

In recent months, Santa Maria robbers have targeted liquor stores, convenience stores, Kmart and a steakhouse. On Monday, it was Taco Bell’s turn to get robbed. [KEYT] Just after 6 a.m., two masked gentlemen entered the Taco Bell located at... (Continue reading)