Atascadero Broker, investment advisor charged with child porn

By KAREN VELIE Atascadero police officers arrested a broker and financial adviser on child pornography charges late last month. On June 28, officers arrested 60-year-old Timothy Harold Holt in Atascadero. Holt is the president of Preservation Capital Group on El... (Continue reading)

Avocado thieves arrested for grand theft in Nipomo

By KAREN VELIE Two men are in jail after they were caught stealing avocados from a ranch in rural Nipomo on Thursday evening. At approximately 8;30 p.m., a caller reported two men stealing avocados. Deputies arrived to find two suspects... (Continue reading)

Santa Barbara County man sentenced to 20 years in fentanyl death case

By KAREN VELIE A 32-year-old Santa Barbara County man was sentenced today to 20 years in federal prison for aiding and abetting the distribution of fentanyl that led to the death of a fellow inmate at a Santa Barbara County... (Continue reading)

County closes Lake San Antonio because of die-off

By KAREN VELIE Amid an ongoing fish die-off, Monterey County officials have temporarily closed Lake San Antonio. After discovering dead fish floating in the lake during the July 4 holiday, the county contacted the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.... (Continue reading)

Lake Fire in Santa Barbara County grows to 34,000 acres

By JOSH FRIEDMAN The Lake Fire, burning in northern Santa Barbara County, has grown to slightly more than 34,000 acres. As of Thursday morning, the blaze has burned 34,015 acres and is 16% contained, according to the Santa Barbara County... (Continue reading)

State suspends San Luis Obispo physician’s license, office closed

By KAREN VELIE An administrative law judge suspended physician and surgeon David Jackson Levin on June 21 because his continued practice of medicine could endanger public health and safety. Shortly afterwards, Levin’s office located on Casa Street in San Luis... (Continue reading)

Threat leads to shelter in place at Grover Beach Elementary School

By KAREN VELIE After receiving a threatening voicemail message on Wednesday, Grover Beach Elementary School officials instructed children attending a summer youth program to shelter in place. Shortly after 3 p.m., school employees called the police department to report the... (Continue reading)

Lake Fire grows to approximately 30,000 acres

By JOSH FRIEDMAN The Lake Fire, burning in northern Santa Barbara County, has grown to approximately 30,000 acres. As of Wednesday morning, the blaze has burned 29,987 acres and is 16% contained, according to the Santa Barbara County Fire Department.... (Continue reading)

Hearst Castle agreement with San Simeon throws wrench into dissolution

By KAREN VELIE For nearly a year, Hearst Castle, one of California State Parks most profitable properties, has not paid its disadvantaged neighbor for processing its sewage. Issues and complexities with San Simeon Community Services District and State Park’s agreements... (Continue reading)

Payments stolen from Cambria CSD drop box during holiday closure

By JOSH FRIEDMAN The Cambria Community Services District is warning residents that a thief or thieves stole funds from the CSD’s payment dropbox sometime around the July 4 holiday period.  On Sunday, officials discovered the payment drop box located at... (Continue reading)