Daily Briefs

Assaults continue at ASH after fines

Patients injured four employees at Atascadero State Hospital in the 11 days following the issuance of a $27,000 fine for unsafe working conditions. [Tribune] The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health fined ASH $27,000 on November 29 for an... (Continue reading)

Gun-packing issue heads for high court

A heated debate on the “rights” of Americans to be armed in public may be drawing closer to scrutiny from the U.S. Supreme Court. (San Francisco Chronicle) The argument, which has been wending its way through lower courts, takes on... (Continue reading)

Half of state’s voters cast mail ballots

More than half of California’s 13.2 million participating voters submitted mail ballots in the recent general election, according to Secretary of State Debra Bowen. (Sacramento Bee) She reported that 51 percent voted through the mails, the most ever in a... (Continue reading)

California insurance firm over billed Medicare $424 million

A California health insurance company over billed Medicare $424 million, according a report issued by the U.S. Health and Human Services Inspector General. [California Watch] PacificCare, now owned by United Health Group, claimed that patients on its Medicare Advantage plan... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo facing more bank employee layoffs

PacWest’s proposed purchase of First California Bank is slated to result in the closure of one branch in San Luis Obispo and more banking sector job losses. PacWest Bancorp recently signed an agreement to purchase First California Financial Group for... (Continue reading)

Two men attempt robbery in Oceano RV park shower

Two men attempted to rob a man while he was taking a shower Thursday at the Pacific Coast RV Resort on Highway 1 in Oceano. The victim said two Hispanic males between the ages of 20 and 30 demanded his... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles wines earn top rankings

Two red wines from San Luis Obispo County have been prominently included in a list of best red wines on the West Coast. [San Francisco Chronicle] The publication articulates its opinion of the top 100 wines and has this to... (Continue reading)

Los Osos man murder charge dropped to assisting suicide

The San Luis Obispo county District Attorney’s Office reduced the charge against an 86-year-old Los Osos man from murder to assisted suicide in the death of his 81-year-old wife. George Taylor told a ranger at Montana de Oro State Park... (Continue reading)

FEMA supports Atascadero earthquake expenditures

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Ontario office reaffirmed its previous decisions to fund $8 million in San Simeon earthquake-related repair projects for the City of Atascadero in a response to an audit report by the Office of Inspector General... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles gang members arrested in statewide drug sweep

A drug sweep conducted by multiple law enforcement agencies Wednesday led to the arrests of several Paso Robles gang members for involvement in a narcotics ring. About 200 officers, including San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s deputies, participated in the sweep... (Continue reading)