Daily Briefs

California Men’s Colony inmate infected with coronavirus

A California Men’s Colony inmate who recently fell ill is the first to test positive for the coronavirus at the prison located in San Luis Obispo County, according to a California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Five inmates were tested... (Continue reading)

Santa Barbara County medical workers and deputies infected with coronavirus

The number of cornavirus cases in Santa Barbara County continues to rapidly increase propelled largely by cases in the North County where sheriff deputies, inmates and medical personnel have been especially hard hit. Of the 260 confirmed cases in Santa... (Continue reading)

Man accused of stabbing a stranger outside SLO liquor store

An altercation between two homeless men outside a San Luis Obispo liquor store on Thursday turned into a stabbing, resulting in one man going to the hospital and the other to jail, according to police. At about 12:30 p.m., the... (Continue reading)

One person killed, three injured in crash on Highway 154

A two vehicle collision near Santa Barbara on Thursday left one person dead and three others injured At about 6 p.m., a 911 caller reported the crash on Highway 154 near Painted Cave Road, according to the Santa Barbara County... (Continue reading)

Has California stopped enforcing its plastic bag ban?

Despite there being bans throughout California on single-use plastic bags, local jurisdictions are now moving to prohibit customers from bringing reusable bags to grocery stores amid fears they could spread the coronavirus. [OC Register] Since the beginning of the outbreak,... (Continue reading)

Pismo Beach City Council supports proposed senior housing project

The Pismo Beach City Council voted unanimously on Tuesday to move forward with negotiations with the Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo (HASLO) regarding a proposed affordable mixed-use senior housing project. The council’s vote directs City Manager Jim Lewis to... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo County surpasses 100 confirmed coronavirus cases

San Luis Obispo County’s coronavirus case total has surpassed 100, health officials announced Wednesday. The county announced three new cases, raising its total from 99 to 102. “We passed a milestone of sorts. We’re now over a hundred cases” County... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo man accused of raping a teenager

A 55-year-old San Luis Obispo man is accused of sexually assaulting his girlfriend’s 15-year-old daughter last week. On the evening of April 2, the victim told police that her mother’s boyfriend, Martin Gonzalez-Flores, sexually assaulted her. Officers arrived at the... (Continue reading)

Firefighters rescue driver from SLO wreckage, video

SLOFD E3, E4, T1 and BC3 responded to single vehicle traffic accident NB 101 x Prado around 4am. Single occupant driver was mechanically extricated and transported to SVMC w/moderate injuries. Approx 33min extrication. SLOFD reminds everyone to watch your speed... (Continue reading)

California temporarily eliminates cash bail for most low-level offenses

California temporarily set bail for most misdemeanor and lower-level felonies at zero in an attempt to limit the spread of the coronavirus in jails by reducing the number of inmates. On Monday, California’s Judicial Council approved 11 temporary amendments to... (Continue reading)