
Retired CHP officer killed in Highway 41 motorcycle crash

A Paso Robles resident and retired CHP officer was killed Saturday morning while riding a motorcycle on Highway 41 near the Kern County line. A pickup truck swerved into the retired officer’s lane and struck his bike head-on, killing him... (Continue reading)

Female arsonist arrested for North County fires

A 58-year-old Bradley woman is charged with starting multiple fire in the Nacimiento Lake Drive area in North San Luis Obispo County. However, investigators ruled out that Devorah Collins had any involvement in the cause of the 46,000-acre Chimney Fire.... (Continue reading)

Mothers for Peace seeking to speed up Diablo Canyon closure

In a bid to force the closure of Diablo Canyon power plant prior to the planned shutdown dates of 2024 and 2025, San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace is attempting to intervene in California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) hearings. Mothers... (Continue reading)

Was Paula Lopez discriminated against for being an alcoholic?

Former news anchor Paula Lopez Ochoa is suing the parent company of her former employers, Central Coast broadcasters KEYT and KCOY, arguing discrimination based on her race, sex and disability led to her firing. Lopez’s disability is alcoholism. Ochoa was... (Continue reading)

Carbajal apologizes to Lompoc residents

Salud Carbajal, Santa Barbara County supervisor and candidate for Congress, issued an apology Thursday afternoon after a group of people protested his reference to Lompoc as the arm pit of the county. Recently, Carbajal was overheard asking a county employee,... (Continue reading)

Dawn Ortiz-Legg’s ads are dirty and dishonest

OPINION by GARY GILBERT Dawn Ortiz-Legg’s dirty attack ads on the television and radio are misleading. Here are the facts: Jordan Cunningham is the candidate supported by virtually all of law enforcement. That includes District Attorney Dan Dow, Sheriff Ian... (Continue reading)

Petetit and Belsher’s money woes widen

By KAREN VELIE John Belsher and Ryan Petetit have lost water rights key to their plans to build an assisted living and Alzheimer’s care facility in Templeton. Their failure to fund the purchase of the property could cost the pair... (Continue reading)

ACLU hosts Constitution Day BBQ Saturday

In celebration of Constitution Day, the San Luis Obispo County Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union is hosting a BBQ at Santa Rosa Park in San Luis Obispo on Saturday Sept. 17 at 1 p.m. The public is invited to... (Continue reading)

Some Americans are deplorable

OPINION by ALLAN COOPER I woke up this morning thinking about Donald’s slogan and Hillary’s use of the word “deplorable.” Permit me to share with you what I was thinking. Let’s make America great again! Let’s return to the times... (Continue reading)

Atascadero Burger King employee steals cash, reports a robbery

A Burger King employee stole a large amount of cash from the business, then told police the restaurant had been robbed, according to the Atascadero Police Department. At about 1 a.m. Wednesday, Atascadero police responded to a report that a... (Continue reading)