All weekend Cambria Christmas Market Lights A cannot miss family event, the Christmas Street Market in Cambria includes a fantastic light display, caroling and much more. Get more information here. Thursday Tap It Brewery San Luis Obispo concert Songwriter... (Continue reading)
Following a threat of Satanism preaching at council meetings, the Arroyo Grande City Council voted to eliminate its longstanding invocation practice. The council voted 3-2 on Tuesday to stop holding invocations and replace them with moments of silence. Council members... (Continue reading)
The Morro Bay City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to attempt to move its sewage plant to a location near Highway 41 about a mile outside the city limit. [Tribune] Following the direction of a consultant, the council chose the 187-acre... (Continue reading)
A 65-year-old ranch hand is in the hospital after a cow attacked him during a branding operation at a ranch on Wednesday in the Cuyama Valley. Shortly after 10 a.m., the cow charged the man and pinned him against a... (Continue reading)
The district attorneys of Los Angeles and San Francisco counties have filed suit against Uber, the world’s leading smarthphone-based taxi service. [New York Times] The joint lawsuit alleges that Uber has misleading safety practices and mischaracterizes the extent to which... (Continue reading)
Editor’s Note: Because of privacy concerns, the parent’s names have been changed in the story. By KAREN VELIE San Luis Obispo County Child Welfare Services is recommending the father of a 23-month-old daughter lose his parental rights, even though there... (Continue reading)
The California Coastal Commission will determine the fate of a proposed beachfront Cayucos house that may or may not be located on a coastal bluff. [Tribune] In 1965, builders created a narrow sloping lot at the end of Studio Drive... (Continue reading)
Arroyo Grande City Council voted 3-2 Tuesday to deny a four and a half acre proposed mix of commercial and residential units near the city’s border with Grover Beach. In Nick Tompkins’ current proposal, he would partner with Andy Mangano... (Continue reading)
The San Luis Obispo City Council approved a plan to overrule a county commission and allow for construction of high-density housing near the regional airport. On Tuesday night, the council voted 4-1 to override the airport land use commission, which... (Continue reading)
OPINION By DEBBIE PETERSON San Luis Obispo County Grand Jury said, “Board and district exposed to financial, legal, and public trust issues.” Reason enough for an operations audit. In 2010, a major sewage spill in Oceano originated at the Arroyo... (Continue reading)