
San Luis Obispo to reinstate Ryan Mason

UPDATE: Councilman Dan Carpenter’s statement on this issue is at the bottom of this article. San Luis Obispo officials have agreed to reinstate embattled firefighter John Ryan Mason. The decision was made by Fire Chief Charlie Hines with the support... (Continue reading)

Atascadero woman kidnapped by ex-boyfriend

A Thousand Oaks man forced his way into the Atascadero home of his ex-girlfriend Tuesday, kidnapped her and fled to San Luis Obispo. Atascadero Police responded to the residence in the 5400 block of Olmeda Ave. at 7:48 a.m. Tuesday.... (Continue reading)

SLO pension liabilities skyrocketing

By JOSH FRIEDMAN In a span of ten years, the city of San Luis Obispo has gone from having no pension debt to becoming more than $100 million in the red in its retirement benefit plans. Between fiscal years 2001-2002... (Continue reading)

Lewis headlines Pine Street Saloon music series

Kenny Lee Lewis, lead guitar for the Steve Miller Band, headlines the inaugural act of a special summer music series called “North County Line” starting June 6 at Paso Robles’ historic Pine Street Saloon. The local Lewis will be joined... (Continue reading)

Banks agree to $1.5 billion mortgage settlement

More than 200,000 Californians will each receive checks worth nearly $1,500 this month as part of a $1.5 billion national mortgage settlement, the state attorney general’s office said Tuesday. Homeowners who successfully filed claims saying they were victims of wrongful... (Continue reading)

John Fogerty added to Vina Robles lineup

Rock and Roll Hall of Famer and Grammy Award-winning singer/guitarist/songwriter John Fogerty will headline a concert at the new Vina Robles Amphitheater in Paso Robles on October 11. The show was announced on Fogerty’s website and confirmed by the concert... (Continue reading)

Woman arrested for swindling fire victims

Santa Barbara County District Attorney investigators arrested a woman accused of swindling victims of the Jesusita and Tea Fires on Tuesday. Penny Art Estes, 63, allegedly took money upfront from 13 victims of the fires, but then failed to follow... (Continue reading)

Obama protester is former San Luis Obispo County employee

First Lady Michelle Obama confronted a protester Tuesday night during a Democratic Party fundraiser at a private home in Washington, D.C. The protester, lesbian activist Ellen Sturtz, is a former San Luis Obispo County employee who served as the local... (Continue reading)

Intoxicated woman flees accident with toddler on lap

Santa Barbara police arrested a 34-year-old woman on Monday for allegedly driving while intoxicated with her three year old daughter on her lap. Witnesses told police Adriana Cardenas was attempting to make a U-turn on Cabrillo Boulevard in her Audi... (Continue reading)

FBI searches lawmaker offices

Offices of a Democratic state senator and the Legislature’s Latino Caucus were raided Tuesday by agents of the FBI armed with search warrants. (Sacramento Bee) Federal officials declined to identify the purpose of the search, which centered on the Capitol... (Continue reading)