
Arroyo Grande Council members violate the government code

Three members of the Arroyo Grande City Council demanded Mayor Jim Hill take one-on-one ethics training classes, two of whom are out of compliance with their legal obligation to take ethics classes every two years. [Cal Coast Times] The California... (Continue reading)

Racism allegations lead to $150,000 settlement

A black South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District plant operator won a $150,000 settlement after complaining that district officials were discriminating and retaliating against him. The district announced Friday that it had reached a settlement agreement with plant superintendent... (Continue reading)

Los Osos director’s Facebook claims, fact check

By KAREN VELIE In a 4-1 vote with Director Chuck Cesena dissenting, the Los Osos Community Services District voted on Thursday evening to increase the pay of its general manager by 23 percent. An increase in pay one district board... (Continue reading)

SLO County repeatedly failed to correct jail deficiencies

More than a month before two men died and a third man seriously injured himself while in county custody, a San Luis Obispo County official said the county had corrected inadequacies regarding the treatment of mentally ill inmates. Following a... (Continue reading)

State housing bill are costly hogwash

OPINION by MIKE F. BROWN After four decades of calculated indifference, Governor Jerry Brown and the Democratic State Legislators admitted earlier this year that there is a statewide housing crisis. The underlying cause of this sudden epiphany is not clear.... (Continue reading)

Los Osos manager in line for 23 percent raise

Less than three months after a 65 percent water rate increase went into effect, the Los Osos Community Services District is planning to approve a 23 percent raise for its general manager. [Cal Coast Times] In Oct. 2016, the board... (Continue reading)

Oversight needed, no to sanitation district board censure

Prior to the South San Luis Obispo Sanitation District Board voting on Oct. 4 to censure Arroyo Grande Mayor Jim Hill, attorney Stew Jenkins sent a letter rebutting an investigator’s report supporting for censure. At the Board hearing, Jenkins presented... (Continue reading)

Marijuana billboards on Highway 101 banned, media fact check

A recent Tribune editorial claims that state legislators are currently considering a ban on marijuana billboards on state highways; and if passed, the pot billboards on Highway 101 would need to come down. Contrary to the Tribune’s reporting, state law... (Continue reading)

CHP escorting man killed in Las Vegas to Grover Beach

A group of California Highway Patrol officers are escorting a hearse carrying the body of Derrick “Bo” Taylor, who died Sunday at the Harvest Festival in Las Vegas, to a Grover Beach mortuary. Taylor leaves behind two adult sons, Greg... (Continue reading)

SLO’s more than $148 million in unfunded liabilities

Over the past 15 years, the city of San Luis Obispo’s unfunded pension liabilities have gone from $0 to nearly $150 million and rising. And with SLO’s annual payment to the California Public Employee Retirement System (CalPERS) set to more... (Continue reading)