
Paso Robles criminalizing homelessness

OPINION By JON TATRO My name is Jon Tatro and I have been a police officer with the city of Paso Robles for more than 25 years. I am the officer who reported PRPD for illegal ticket quotas. I currently... (Continue reading)

Another option to Abel Maldonado and Lois Capps

OPINION BY MATT KOKKONEN Are there two tax cheats running for Congress now in California’s redesigned 24th District? Lois Capps failed to report rental income for 10 years, only to pay up after getting caught and failed to report $500,000... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo management needs to be accountable

OPINION By PETE EVANS Dear CalCoastNews readers, I’m sharing this with you since this is an important and public issue. Below, I ask our local government if they approve of the actions of their peace officers, I think you might... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo City Council candidate promotes change

OPINION By MATT STRZEPEK Greetings. My name is Matt Strzepek and I am a candidate for San Luis Obispo City Council. Strzepek means “cloth” in Polish and I am running to weave our community back together. Like many of you,... (Continue reading)

Vote out the incumbents

OPINION By MARGARET O’HARA-GORDON If you like the way things are in San Luis Obispo, vote for the incumbents. They have accomplished much: no more free parking downtown on Sundays; doubling of water and sewer rates every 3-5 years; outlawed... (Continue reading)

Write in Gary Nemeth for Mayor of Paso Robles

OPINION By GARY NEMETH Write in Gary Nemeth for Mayor of Paso Robles. Since the forum by CPRN2012 we have received many calls from citizens stating they have not read or heard anything about me being a write in candidate.... (Continue reading)

Democracy in Atascadero should amount to more

OPINION By MIKE BRENNLER While studying my absentee ballot, I was reminded of the joke suggesting that democracy should amount to more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. This is particularly true as... (Continue reading)

Baldwin for Cuesta College

OPINION By MARILYNE CLEEVES The Cuesta College Board has consistently approved construction for more campus facilities and buy-out contracts from unsatisfactory administrators. In order to pay the loans for these approvals, the administration is proposing cuts to programs, employee compensation,... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles Police officers’ fight for public safety

STATEMENT By THE PASO ROBLES POLICE OFFICER ASSOCIATION The purpose of this media release is to express The Paso Robles Police Officers’ Association’s (PRPOA) disagreement with the action the city has recently taken involving the rehiring of a retired Sergeant... (Continue reading)

Vote no on Proposition 36

OPINION By LESLIE HALLS Proposition 36 would revise the current Three Strikes law and would allow current convicted felons serving 25-life under Three Strikes to petition for a reduced sentence. The Three Strikes law was passed in 1994 and shortly... (Continue reading)