OPINION by ERIK GORHAM The Tribune accused the San Luis Obispo County GOP of a plan to “smear anyone linked to the late Adam Hill” in an editorial on Sunday. Sorry, the plan is to provide the public the ugly... (Continue reading)
OPINION by BRUCE JONES I am Dr. Bruce Jones, a retired orthopedic surgeon, running for SLO County District 2 Supervisor. I believe in the American dream. As a young man, I dreamed of becoming a doctor. No one in my... (Continue reading)
OPINION by GEOFF AUSLEN I am a long-time conservative North County small businessman and community leader. I currently own Glenn’s Repair & Rental in Atascadero, along with several other ventures and volunteer projects. I am running for Supervisor because the... (Continue reading)
OPINION by CYNTHIA MUIR Is San Luis Obispo County District 2 supervisor candidate Geoff Auslin a liberal, a moderate or a conservative? It all depends on his audience or what day it is. Before deciding to run for office in... (Continue reading)
Statement from the City of San Luis Obispo The City of San Luis Obispo’s goal is to prevent homelessness and reduce chronic homelessness. To do that, we all need to work together as a community. We had hoped a recent... (Continue reading)
By MICHAEL NOLAN After reading the pleadings filed by both sides in the pending case (SLO County Citizens for Good Government, Inc. v. County of San Luis Obispo) which seeks to overturn the ordinance redistricting the San Luis Obispo County... (Continue reading)
OPINION by MICHAEL NOLAN To paraphrase President Harry Truman: “There is nothing new about a controversial redistricting of the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors, except the local history you do not know.” Forty years ago San Luis Obispo... (Continue reading)
Opinion by Debbie Peterson Here’s a chance to have a little fun and adventure! A drive-by petition signing for Stew Jenkins, running for SLO County Clerk-Recorder in the 2022 election. Candidates need a significant number of signatures to get on... (Continue reading)
Open letter to Gov. Gavin Newsom from a former U.S. secretary of energy and 75 experts We are some of the leading scientists, entrepreneurs and academics spanning disciplines including climate science, marine biology, air pollution research, energy, planetary science and... (Continue reading)
OPINION by ALLAN COOPER and DAVID BRODIE Should our downtown serve only tourists rather than residents? Believe it or not, years ago, San Luis Obispo had all the necessary ingredients to make this happen. These so-called ingredients included easy pedestrian... (Continue reading)