
Did the NRC and PG&E collude to hide danger?

Statement by Friends of the Earth Internal emails show that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Pacific Gas & Electric Co. may have worked together to counteract widespread news coverage. Numerous outlets reported that the former chief inspector of the... (Continue reading)

Wallace purged sanitation district documents

OPINION By JULIE TACKER To audit or not to audit? That is the question at the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). An audit may find accounting inaccuracies and/or other wrongdoing. At this point, with so many questions... (Continue reading)

Restore public trust, audit the sanitation district

OPINION  By DEBBIE PETERSON San Luis Obispo County Grand Jury said, “Board and district exposed to financial, legal, and public trust issues.” Reason enough for an operations audit. In 2010, a major sewage spill in Oceano originated at the Arroyo... (Continue reading)

Letter to the editor: Why newspapers are folding

OPINION By ALLAN COOPER I am one of the few people I know who actually enjoys reading a daily newspaper printed on paper and delivered to my door. However, many years have passed, and I’m not counting, when I have... (Continue reading)

Arroyo Grande council’s questionable political conduct

OPINION By OTIS PAGE With the election and seating of Jim Hill as Mayor of Arroyo Grande, it is important for citizens to place in perspective that among the accomplishments of the past Tony Ferrara Council there were major failures.... (Continue reading)

Arroyo Grande needs to dump its city attorney

OPINION By JULIE TACKER The question posed at last week’s Arroyo Grande City Council meeting by newly elected Mayor Jim Hill revealed a $32,000 expenditure for just one month’s work by legal counsel. This is a billing trend that began... (Continue reading)

Stop blaming Arroyo Grande police officers

OPINION BY OTIS PAGE We have a potentially paralyzing issue in Arroyo Grande that may have a significant effect on Mayor-Elect Jim Hill’s future administration and work with the council. That issue is outgoing Mayor Tony Ferrara’s continued animosity directed... (Continue reading)

The fight to clean up Arroyo Grande

OPINION By LEANN AKINS I attended the special meeting in Arroyo Grande on the evening of Nov. 19 to learn the much awaited and anticipated fate of City Manager Steve Adams. While the council has placed him on paid administrative... (Continue reading)

Five Cities Fire Authority should reconsider hiring Lieberman

OPINION By JULIE TACKER In light of the change in political winds in the South County it would be prudent for the Five Cities Fire Authority (FCFA) to suspend its hiring process for a new fire chief. In spite of... (Continue reading)

Arroyo Grande wins with Jim

OPINION By JULIE TACKER Who is Jim Hill? While most Arroyo Grande voters voted for write-in candidate Jim Hill as a protest to the status quo, you may be pleasantly surprised to know a little more about Jim. Jim has... (Continue reading)