Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Democrat Jerry Brown made history Tuesday night, becoming the oldest candidate to be elected governor of California after serving two terms decades ago as the state’s youngest chief executive. Brown, 72, who spent less than $25 million on his campaign,... (Continue reading)

Does Wikileaks deserve Dan Ellsberg’s approval? The good Wikileaks, yes; the bad Wikileaks, no

OPINION BY PETER SCHEER—Although the anti-war movement of the 1960s has few heroes still standing,  Daniel Ellsberg, the former defense analyst who leaked a secret history of the Vietnam War that became known as the Pentagon Papers, is surely one.... (Continue reading)

Pot doctors in trouble with medical board

A Central Valley marijuana clinic owned by a Morro Bay locksmith is under fire for hiring doctors on probation with the California Medical Board. [Fresno Bee] Pacific Referral owner Kim Valois hired Dr. Juanita Gandy of Morro Bay and Dr.... (Continue reading)

Dumb criminal of the week

Our dumb criminal of the week award goes to a man who turned himself in for an outstanding warrant with a body in the trunk of his car in suburban Denver. [KRDO] Robert L. Johnson, 40, went to jail on... (Continue reading)

Duh! Welfare cards banned at massage parlors, pot clubs

California welfare recipients will no longer be able to use their state-issued debit cards at medical marijuana shops, psychics, massage parlors and other businesses. [Los Angeles Times] The governor’s office sent a letter to county welfare directors on Monday announcing... (Continue reading)

UPDATE: Bomb squad at C.L. Smith Elementary School

School officials are asking parents to keep their children away from C.L. Smith Elementary School while the San Luis Obispo Police bomb squad examines a “suspicious item” found on the school grounds Monday morning. UPDATE: Police investigators have determined the... (Continue reading)

Winholtz files police complaint after losing council vote

Morro Bay City Councilmember and mayoral candidate Betty Winholtz took the unusual step Friday of filing a formal complaint with the city police chief against three fellow councilmembers following a controversial council vote. Observers say the incident stems from last... (Continue reading)

Robert Fowler files $127 million personal bankruptcy

Developer Robert Fowler, a partner in the failed R.W. Hertel and Sons, filed for personal bankruptcy listing $127.6 million in debt, on Sept. 26. Fowler said $105.6 million are personal guarantees he made on business loans, according to his bankruptcy filing.... (Continue reading)

Collaboration Forum, photos

Speakers at this year’s 16th annual San Luis Obispo County Nonprofit Collaboration Forum focused on ways to incorporate volunteers and social marketing into collaborative efforts, last Thursday. Key note speaker Stephan Gunsaulus, director of Marketing and Communication at Cuesta College,... (Continue reading)

Passage of Proposition 21 is crucial

OPINION BY MARY GOLDEN Opponents of Proposition 21 are trying to mislead citizens of California. The initiative, designed to protect funding for our state parks system, was put on the ballot by citizens fed up with Sacramento, not politicians, and the... (Continue reading)