Are you Mensa smart? Mensa, the club for people with high IQs, is having its national testing date on Saturday Oct. 19. In San Luis Obispo County testing will be given at the SeaVenture Resort in Pismo Beach at 9 a.m.... (Continue reading)
By GORDON MULLIN Often when I’m meeting a new client, I ask about whether they have any sort of savings plan in place. Perhaps, I inquire, they could be saving for a home, a new car, further schooling or their... (Continue reading)
A brave YouTube user attached a camera on an eagle to provide a bird’s-eye view of Chamonix, France.... (Continue reading)
By COLIN JONES As the summer concert season winds down at Vina Robles, the fall heats up with headliner Alice Cooper making a rare central coast appearance when he performs at the Chumash Casino Resort on November 21, Cal Coast... (Continue reading)
By GORDON MULLIN (Editor’s note: This is the first edition of a column by San Luis Obispo financial planner Gordon Mullin called A Penny Saved) $95,136.88 That’s the sum that my deceased mother’s estate owed to California’s Medi-Cal program. That’s the amount... (Continue reading)
By COLIN JONES There is no one on Planet Earth like Ted Nugent. But you knew that already. As an entertainer, being uniquely original like Nugent is a huge plus but it’s never enough. You need to have soul and... (Continue reading)
By COLIN JONES Eighties new wave icon Adam Ant will make a rare San Luis Obispo appearance when he plays the historic Fremont Theater, on Sept. 18, CalCoastNews has learned. Both as leader of Adam and the Ants and a... (Continue reading)
The Charles Paddock Zoo announced the unexpected birth of twin baby Maras on July 6. Maras, or Patagonian Cavies, are small rodents native to South America. The twin’s birth came as a complete surprise to staff who had not noticed... (Continue reading)
By GARY E FORESMAN MD (Editor’s note: This is part five in a five-part in a five-part series on stress management.) This article is intentionally kept brief, clean and without metaphors or discussions on why we meditate. I am just... (Continue reading)
By MIRANDA FORESMAN Matthew McConaughey has come a long way since Dazed and Confused (1993). He’s played a surfer, a pimp, couple of good lawyers, a womanizer, and many things in between. Lately he seems to play the guy without... (Continue reading)