
Two girls get trapped in Orcutt storm drain

Two Santa Maria teens took a stroll through an Orcutt storm drain on Sunday afternoon. Then a downpour occurred, and the teens became trapped in the drain. [KEYT] The girls, both 14 years old, entered the storm drain at Clark... (Continue reading)

Arroyo Grande battle over interchange gets ugly

OPINION by JULIE TACKER Even though former Arroyo Grande mayor Tony Ferrara and former city manager Steve Adams have been forced out of leadership positions in Arroyo Grande, the new city manager appears to be taking direction from an employee... (Continue reading)

Man arrested on suspicion of arson at mosque

A 23-year-old man was arrested late Friday in connection with a hate crime at a mosque in Riverside County. Friday afternoon, a fire was reported at the Islamic Center of Palm Springs in the front lobby of a small building.... (Continue reading)

Bus driver arrested for DUI

California Highway Patrol officers arrested a school bus driver for driving under the influence and child endangerment in Napa County on Friday. [Napa Valley Register] At about 2:45 p.m., an officer responded to reports of a bus blocking Old Sonoma... (Continue reading)

The threat to national security is real

OPINION by OTIS PAGE Given the controversy introduced by Donald Trump on the Muslim question, what should be done? The threat to our national security is real. First, in the interest of national security, any Muslim immigrant should swear absolute... (Continue reading)

Pismo Beach proposes medical marijuana restrictions

In an effort to maintain local control as the state increases its jurisdiction of medical marijuana operations, Pismo Beach staff recommends that the City Council continue to allow medical marijuana delivery services, while considering banning cultivation inside the city limits.... (Continue reading)

County delays decision on psychiatric hospital

After more than three hours of discussion, the San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission delayed making a decision Thursday on a proposed mental health hospital in Templeton. The commission scheduled another hearing for Jan. 14. Harvey and Melanie Billig are... (Continue reading)

Hundreds attend pro-Islam rally in SLO

About 200 people attended a rally in San Luis Obispo in support of the local Muslim community. Attendees included pastors, rabbis and San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Adam Hill. [Tribune] The rally took place Friday afternoon at the Mosque of... (Continue reading)

Steve Gesell seeking work in Arizona

Former San Luis Obispo police chief Steve Gesell, who was forced out of the top cop job in SLO earlier this year, is now pursuing work in Cottonwood Arizona. [KSBY] The Cottonwood Police department serves a population of about 40,000 people. The... (Continue reading)

Morro Bay officials clean creek, kick out homeless

Piles of trash, needles and human feces are now gone from a section of Morro Creek. So are the people who were living there. On Thursday, the city of Morro Bay conducted a creek cleanup at the location of a... (Continue reading)