OPINION By JULIE TACKER In a recent mailer and Smart Voter bio, San Luis Obispo County District 4 Supervisorial Candidate Caren Ray lists some of her accomplishments. She must be underestimating the intelligence of the District 4 voter, expects they... (Continue reading)
OPINION By FRIENDS OF THE EARTH Last week the Nuclear Regulatory Commission denied a dissent by the former chief inspector at the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant, who said new seismic data show the plant may be vulnerable to earthquakes of... (Continue reading)
OPINION By SLO COUNCILMAN DAN CARPENTER On Nov. 4, San Luis Obispo voters will be voting on three local tax/bond measures. A new ½ percent city sales tax (Measure G), a $177 million San Luis Coastal Unified School District bond,... (Continue reading)
OPINION By DR. RAY WEYMANN In January 2010 I wrote an essay for CalCoastNews entitled “The Climate Change Challenge.” It is interesting but sobering to see in what ways the picture has and has not changed since then. A good... (Continue reading)
OPINION By AMANDA RICE I am a regular reader of Cal Coast News, a Cambrian and a current elected board member of Cambria CSD. And I respect the role of journalism as the fourth branch of government. A strong, free... (Continue reading)
OPINION By EUGENE BLANCK Did you ever wonder why your due process rights were usurped by the Cambria CSD (CCSD) when you were not asked whether you preferred “toilet-to-tap” water for $15 million or 300 acre-feet of fresh well water... (Continue reading)
OPINION By CLINT PEARCE, ANDREA PEASE and PIERRE RADEMAKER As the co-chairs of SLO Citizens for Measure G, we firmly believe that Measure G will benefit all San Luis Obispo residents and therefore deserves the community’s support. As a reminder,... (Continue reading)
OPINION By OTIS PAGE In the Arroyo Grande City Council meeting of Aug. 26 the Council unanimously agreed to a hold special session regarding the Steve Adams/Teresa McClish affair. The video of the Aug. 26 meeting confirms that fact. It... (Continue reading)
OPINION By TORY RAND Recently, on August 29th, the Arroyo Grande City Council voted 5-0 to approve a $70,000 a year, five-year contract with San Luis Obispo based Verdin Marketing to perform Water Conservation Education within the Arroyo Grande Community.... (Continue reading)
OPINION BY JOHN EWAN Last fall, in three months’ time, the Economic Vitality Corporation of San Luis Obispo (EVC), raised over $100,000.00 in fees from SLO county residents installing photovoltaic systems. The EVC gave ¾ of this money, $78,000.00, to... (Continue reading)