OPINION by LAURA ALBERS San Luis Obispo High School Principal Leslie O’Connor refuses to allow a film to be shown, despite over 400 signatures on a petition and over 2,250 views of the film on YouTube. Every year, SLOHS graduating... (Continue reading)
OPINION by DEBBIE PETERSON San Luis Obispo County faces complex challenges. It will take all of us to make good decisions on development, water, affordable housing, homelessness, oil trains, oil company expansion in Price Canyon, repair to the Avila pier,... (Continue reading)
OPINION by T. KEITH GURNEE The New Oxford American Dictionary defines ideologue as “an adherent of an ideology, especially one who is uncompromising and dogmatic.” In his recent Viewpoint article published by the Tribune, District 5 supervisorial candidate Eric Michielsson... (Continue reading)
OPINION by DAN CARPENTER Voters throughout the 3rd District of San Luis Obispo County have already begun voting in the June 7 primary. Many will wait until election day to vote at the polls exercising their right and responsibility to... (Continue reading)
OPINION by T. KEITH GURNEE Is anybody out there as tired as I am of the venomous rants of Tom Fulks? In his latest nastygram published in the San Luis Obispo Tribune attacking Supervisor Debbie Arnold, Fulks begs the question;... (Continue reading)
By LESLIE HALLS According to CalCoastNews, there is no clear favorite in the race for the District 3 San Luis Obispo County Supervisor, with nearly half of the prospective voters undecided just days before the election. While the county government... (Continue reading)
OPINION by MATT KOKKONEN San Luis Obispo’s “New Times” weekly paper wrote in its opinion by “The Shredder” on May 5, “What’s white, has three K’s in its name, and hates ‘illegal’ immigrants? Well, yes, the Ku Klux Klan, but... (Continue reading)
Thank you from the family of Tierney Cooper-McCann and Judy Cooper More than a week has passed since our beloved Tierney and Judy were taken from us. The days since their deaths have been filled with peaks and valleys. We... (Continue reading)
Statement from Katcho Achadjian’s campaign Salud Carbajal and Congresswoman and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have spent more than a quarter-million dollars in an effort to slander Assemblyman and Congressional Candidate Katcho Achadjian. Mailers began filling mailboxes last week and... (Continue reading)
OPINION by NIKOLAI LAMBERT My name is Nikolai and I want to share why I am supporting Katcho Achadjian for Congress. In 2012, during the election cycle, I approached Congresswoman Lois Capps about getting assistance for dental work I needed... (Continue reading)